Welcome to the website of The Round Hill Society, Brighton UK.
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Click on LOCAL NEWS for the latest drafts proposed for Round Hill's conservation area character statement and HERE to learn where separate weekly food waste collections will go once they start in 2025.
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Check out the Round Hill Community Noticeboard Facebook Group. This dedicated FB Group allows over 690 Round Hill residents to share their knowledge, as well as their possessions! If you prefer email, request to join the Friends of Round Hill mailing list.
Round Hill Society
Click on the plan below to see the area which the Round Hill Society represents: the Round Hill Conservation Area.
There are about 900 households in the Round Hill Conservation Area. If you live here, you automatically become a member of the Round Hill Society (RHS). Read the RHS constitution here. There is a Committee that represents the RHS before official bodies and often organises RHS activities, which anyone can volunteer for. You can read more about the RHS Committee in the quarterly printed newsletter that every RHS member receives: The Round Hill Reporter.
The Round Hill Reporter
Round Hill residents: please submit your articles, stories and more for the next issue of the Reporter to: roundhillsociety@gmail.com.
Click here for Past issues downloadable as PDF
Issue 96 February 2025
Featuring: BHCC Food Waste Collections & Veolia's Waste Transfer Station, Recycling, News from RHS's AGM, The Round Hill Reporter turns 25 this year, Crime Update, Round Hill bus stop pocket park to be installed early spring 2025, A personal Round Hill nature column, Report on Round Hill carol singing, Advent window winner, Upcoming events and what's on, Useful contacts and committee details
Local News
Updating Round Hill's conservation character statement
Annex A | Historical development
Annex B | Buildings
Annex C | Public Realm
Annex D | Gazetteer
Food Waste still to go first to The Waste Transfer Station after separate collections start in 2025.
By the end of March 2026, all Councils are required to have weekly food waste recycling services to conform with the Environment Act of 2021. Brighton and Hove City Council plans to start food waste collections in 2025. The Waste Transfer Station has had difficulty in handling odorous waste. It has no entrance airlock system. Odour also escapes through the vents designed to let air into the building.
Tuesday 4th February 2025 Additional Minutes
New Food Waste and Expanded Recycling Services
RHS Committe Meeting with Cllr Tim Rowkins,
Cabinet Member for Net Zero & Environmental Services.
OPT OUT SCHEME FOR WEEDS. Description & where to apply. Following on from ROUND HILL CONSERVATION AREA WILL NOT BE SPRAYED WITH GLYPHOSATE [Round Hill Reporter Autumn 2024], in 2025 the council will be commencing a formal scheme for people who want to opt out of having weedkiller used in their street. However, residents wanting to opt out will have to weed the street themselves three times a year to keep pavements clear and safe. Applications for streets to opt out of glyphosate use can be made through the council’s website and must be submitted before Friday 21 March. To be considered for the opt-out, roads must be within existing 20mph zones and have up to approximately* 100 houses. Any opt-out will need a lead volunteer, who will be given appropriate training and access to the relevant tools. They will also be expected to co-ordinate local volunteers. See also our page on Community clean-ups of which The Round Hill Society has a long tradition. *Note that both Richmond Road and Roundhill Crescent have slightly more than 100 houses, though the bollards divide Richmond Road into two manageable sections. Both ends have good community presence.
Tuesday 15th April 2025 6:15pm - 8:00pm
Round Hill Street Cleanup with Goodgym
Painting over tags to discourage antisocial behaviour, and some litter picking. Runners: meet by the Queen Victoria Statue, Victoria Gardens, 1 Marlborough Place Brighton map at 18:15 (departing at 18:30). Other Round Hill volunteers: meet at the junction of St Paul's Street and Upper Lewes Road map at approx. 18.40.
Clean-ups offer good exercise and are a way of enjoying time with neighbours of all ages who take pride in our community.
See reports and pictures of past clean-ups.
Sunday 25th May 2025 2pm - 4pm
Plant Sale, Kids’ Street Play, and Makers Market
At the junction of Richmond and Mayo Roads, the road will be closed for a special play zone, the Annual Round Hill Green Spaces Plant Sale and Makers Market. Donate your spare seedlings and plants, or find some affordable treasures to spruce up your garden.
Proceeds: All funds raised by the plant sale will go toward bulbs and plants for the community planters.
Donations: Drop off seedlings on the day or contact Dominic Furlong to donate seedlings in advance.
Support local makers and discover handmade goods at this creative market running alongside the plant sale.
Sunday, 26th October 2025 2pm - 4pm
Halloween Special - Round Hill’s Halloween celebration Autumn Street Play promises spooky fun for all ages!
- Fancy Dress Parade: Dress to impress in your spookiest, funniest, or most creative Halloween outfits.
- Annual Doughnut-Eating Competition: A messy, hilarious tradition – everyone's a winner if they manage to eat their doughnut without it falling on the ground.
- Mulled Wine & Bake Sale: Sip on mulled wine and indulge in delicious baked goods while soaking in the festive atmosphere.
Join the fun! Whether you’re a plant lover, a picnic enthusiast, or a Halloween fanatic, these Roundhill Community events are your chance to connect, celebrate, and enjoy everything our neighborhood has to offer. We’re always looking for safety marshals and help with organising. Contact Laura-Kate Roe to offer your support.
The Roundhill pub
Take a look at events (e.g. menus and themed evenings) on offer at the award-winning Roundhill pub on their website or Facebook group. Book ahead for their legendary Sunday roast!
Markets in easy reach of Round Hill
Brighton Open Market
Marshalls Row, Brighton BN1 4JU (opposite NW corner of The Level)
Click on the picture above for an illustrated list of all the stalls in Brighton's Open Market.
The official Brighton Open Market website is at http://www.brightonopenmarket.co.uk.
It has its own illustrated Meet The Traders page at http://www.brightonopenmarket.co.uk/permanent-traders
See our page on The history of the Open Market from the 1890s
Florence Road Farmers' Market Saturdays weekly
Florence Road Market (see map) is held every Saturday from 9.30am to 1.30pm in One Church courtyard BN1 6DL in part of Southdown Avenue running from Florence Road towards Springfield Road.
Parks in easy reach of Round Hill
- The Level Events Calendar
- The Level: enjoy the park and get involved
- The Level Communities Forum (LCF) is an independent, volunteer run, open community group.
Saunders Park
- Saunders Park - more than you thought
Visit our ARTS / MUSIC / THEATRE / CINEMA page.
- Brighton & Hove Arts Council Diary current and forthcoming events & exhibitions
- Brighton Festival
- Artists' Open Houses
- Brighton Fringe
- Local Artists' studio websites - selection includes ones within easy reach of Round Hill.
- Art Trail around Brighton Open Market: although this event took place in 2015, publicity for it provides an insight into the character of the studios.
Visit www.sussexconcerts.org.uk for concert information throughout the county.
Tuesdays 1.10pm -1.55pm at Chapel Royal, North Street, Brighton BN1 1EA. All tickets £3 at the door.
Wednesdays 2pm-2.45pm at St Nicholas's Church Dyke Road, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 3LJ map - Lunchtime concerts. £3.
Thursdays 1pm-2pm at All Saints Church The Drive Hove BN3 3QE lunchtime concerts. Suggested £5 donation.
Fridays weekly 12.30-1.15 p.m Unitarian Church New Road, Brighton, BN1 1UF lunchtime concerts
Fridays fortnightly 7.30pm St Luke's Church Queens Park Road BN2 9ZB evening concerts
Some Sundays 2.45-5pm Brighton Philharmonic Orchestra - Brighton Dome Concert Hall, Church Street Brighton, BN1 1UE
Outdoor Activities
Find your nearest swimming pool
Online Pool & Class Timetable
for today at the Prince Regent Pool
Click HERE for our page on WALKS including sites in East and West Sussex, bus-aided circular walks from Round Hill, Active for Life healthwalks, walking groups, countryside events, outdoor pursuits, conservation volunteers & natural history.
Active for Life Sea Front self-guided healthwalk [PDF map].
Explore your local woodland:
Friends of Hollingbury and Bursted Woods
Hollingbury and Bursted Woods Facebook site
Woodvale Cemetery and Crematorium is one of the largest open spaces within easy walking distance from Round Hill. No dogs or recreation cyclists are allowed. It offers pleasant walking territory, though you should check opening times.
Other areas for walking within easy distance from Round Hill are Preston Park (including a look at Preston Manor), Blakers Park (including a look at the Stanford and Cleveland Community Garden), and The Patch (which has an annual spring festival in April).
Education (for adults)
See Brighton and Hove City Council's list of:
Adult learning providers and courses
- Courses for adults at Varndean College
Surrenden Rd, Brighton BN1 6WQ - Short Courses and Evening Classes, University of Brighton
Mithras House Lewes Road Brighton BN2 4AT - Portslade Aldridge Community Academy
Chalky Rd, Portslade, BN41 2WS
Silver Strings for late starters in learning to play an instrument.
Migrant English, Welfare Rights, Yoga, Free Software, and degree level courses in Social Science and Humanities, Philosophy, Feminism, Gender & Sexuality.
Regular Listings
1. Brighton & Hove Arts Council Diary events & exhibitions
2. Arts | Music | Theatre | Cinema throughout Brighton & Hove
3. The Duke of York's Picture House Preston Circus
4. Sussex Concerts calendar
5.The Brighton Society - talks, lectures & exhibitions.
6. The Regency Society - lectures & events
7. Hove Civic Society - lectures & events.
8. Sussex Industrial Archeology Society meetings & events
9. Walks - unguided, guided, longer and shorter
10. The Living Coast - what's on?
11. What's on at The Level - calendar of events
12 Active for Life Programme including Healthwalks
13. Sussex Wildlife Trust What's on
14. Friends of Hollingbury & Bursted Woods - work sessions
15. Prince Regent Online Pool & Class Timetable
16. See also The Argus - events page
17. Brighton & Hove Food Partnership
Site Information
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This page was last updated by Ted on 16-Mar-2025