Carelet 0000 index to applications

Carelet's planning applications
2004 1st Appeal 2005
2006 2007 2nd Appeal
2009 2010 Our own parking survey
3rd Appeal 2013 2014
2015 2017  


1976-2007 Pictures from the NE of Round Hill

Carelet purchased the greenfield site in February 2004. Towards the end of that year they applied for 30 flats. The application was refused and dismissed on appeal.


BH2004/03605/FP Erection of 30 flats 5 & 6 storeys. Refusal.


Appeal on refusal of BH2004/03605 Dismissed. See paragraph 16 of 2005 Appeal Decision APP/Q1445/A/05/1178381

Local residents are particularly concerned regarding traffic and pressure on parking in the area. I have to say that I share some of these concerns. It is not clear that the development could be guaranteed to remain ‘traffic free’ and that none of the residents would own or use cars. The existing residents rely heavily on on-street parking and any significant additional car usage would exacerbate the pressure for parking in the area, with the concomitant additional hazards to road safety stemming from possible indiscriminate parking and the circulation of vehicle drivers seeking a parking space. Prince's Road and several of the surrounding streets slope steeply and are not ideal terrain for cyclists or pedestrians. I note that the Highway Authority does not object, providing the details of the car club are pursued further, but the lack of a guaranteed traffic-free solution reinforces my view that the proposed development is unacceptable.

2005 Carelet’s site clearance - wildlife haven destroyed



BH2005/02279/FP Erection of 21 flats 4 & 5 Storeys. BHCC's refusal.



BH2006/03214 Erection of 9 three-storey houses withdrawn appeal and BHCC's refusal


BH2007/04444 Eight houses proposed - some 2 & some 3 storey REFUSED (archived)


APPEAL APP/Q1445/A/08/2073223 on BHCC's refusal of BH2007/04444 DISMISSED by 2nd planning inspector to cite parking as a problem. 



To access appeal decision, go to BH2007/04444 , filter documents by changing "Show all" to "Appeal Decision", then click on green tab APPLY. Select icon in the "view" column.

What the planning inspector said about parking in dismissing the appeal on refusal of the above: 
Appeal Ref: APP/Q1445/A/08/2073223 Decision date: 21 October 2008

Agreeing with the inspector who dismissed Carelet’s first Appeal, the inspector who dsimissed Carelet's second appeal found merit in the argument that inadequate on-site parking would lead to further on-street parking, in an area suffering a degree of parking stress. In paragraph 14, he observes that it is stretching credibility to suggest that there is sufficient on-street space to provide for travel demand for eight family houses, estimated at seven cars, based on one beat survey undertaken during the early hours, on one weekday in August. He continues: moreover, the Survey showed only 8 spaces available within 100m of the site. A further 16 were available within a 400m of the site. I think that would be woefully inadequate to mitigate the harm at other times, outside the holiday season, when demand would be expected to increase. It flows from this that in the absence of controls to ensure a genuinely car free scheme, one Car Club space would be inadequate.The planning inspector concludes (paragraph 15) that without a guarantee that the development would be genuinely car free, it would be likely to exacerbate parking stress in the area, sufficient to warrant withdrawing planning permission. The requirements of Local Plan Policies TR19 and HO7 (b) would not be satisfied.

BH2009/00847 Four two-storey houses proposed & granted (archived)

conditions (archived)

objections (archived) too near the WTS


2010 Six houses BH2010/00083 refused on parking grounds
subsequent appeal dismissed on parking grounds alone



2010 Six house planning application No. BH2010/00083 refused


Ground 1) Failure to meet travel demand (parking) was upheld by the planning inspector who dismissed Carelet's  third appeal APP/Q1445/A/10/2131115 on 15 February 2011



To access appeal decision, go to BH2010/00083 , filter documents by changing "Show all" to "Appeal Decision", then click on green tab APPLY. Select icon in the "view" column.











Download Round Hill residents' own parking survey which we contributed to the above appeal. This included photographs and details of our methodology and surveys. The methodology for this was explained by the Council's then Principal Transport Planner.

Community parking survey (PDF, 764kb)

The planning committee offered parking stress as a ground for refusal. They were supported by the third Planning Inspector who finds that parking stress in Round Hill has been underestimated by the appellant. In dismissing the appeal, she acknowledges residents' concern that night time parking when demand is heaviest.

Ground 1) Failure to meet travel demand (parking) was upheld by a third planning inspector when she dismissed Carelet's appeal early in 2011.

18. Residents accept that, during the day time, on-street spaces are more readily available in the vicinity of the site, but they consider that, overall, the on-street parking which currently takes place has been underestimated by the appellant. Their particular concern is with night time parking when demand is heaviest and when problems of double parking, parking on pavements and close to junctions are exacerbated. This time period has not been covered by the appellants. A community parking survey was carried out by a group of residents in July 2010. Unlike the survey conducted for the appellants, it was not carried out by a specialist independent traffic survey company and, although advice on the methodology was obtained at the outset from the Council's Principal Transport Planner, it has not been endorsed by the Highway Authority since being completed. I therefore treat the findings with some caution.

19. PPG13 notes that local authorities should not require developers to provide more car parking spaces that they themselves wish unless there are exceptional circumstances, for example where there are significant implications for road safety which cannot be resolved through the introduction of on-street parking controls. The Highway Authority did not consider that there were significant circumstances in the surrounding area which would be exacerbated by the proposal. Nevertheless, the residents' survey bears out the local concerns that demand for on-street parking is heaviest in the very late evening. More importantly, in my view it highlights the fact that, because of the high demand, indiscriminate parking in places which could prejudice vehicle and pedestrian safety is already taking place: I observed several instances for myself within the study area during the daytime when going to and from my site visit.


The 2013 proposal BH2013/00139 was identical (except in one regard) to the one refused BH2010/00083 by The Council's planning committee in 2010 (against their officers' recommendation to grant) and also dismissed by the planning inspector in 2011.

The appeal was dismissed on the basis of on-street parking difficulty in Round Hill alone

BH2013/00139 differed from the 2010 application since it proposed a car-free development. The expected CPZ (which was indeed implemented in July 2013) made it possible for the first time for the Council to control which residents were permitted to park in Princes Road.

2013 BH2013/00139 granted as a car-free development


14 August 2013 Six house planning application No. BH2013/00139 granted


The above permission is subject to the condition that none of the development's prospective residents is entitled to a parking permit when Round Hill's CPZ is implemented in July 2013.

BH2013/03782 Inaccuraccies in the application for 6 taller houses




Six taller three-storey house proposal approved on 12th March 2014BH2013/03782


This is the permission which has actually been built. Subsequent applications have been proposals to vary or remove planning conditions

BH2013/03782 Six taller three-storey house proposal approved on 12th March 2014

2015 July: proposed Gatehouse: too little space for refuse & recyclables

2017 Gatehouse Redesign

The plot as a greenfield site in 2003
before Carelet

before Carelet

before Carelet

before Carelet

before Carelet

This page was last updated by Ted on 25-Nov-2024
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