The home site of the Round Hill Society, a community group of the residents of Round Hill in Brighton, England. The site contains information about the area, latest news and reflections on life in Round Hill.
Police Community Support Officers
Popular Round Hill Society events
Support within Round Hill & Brighton
Residents' Concerns - click here for action
Residents' Feedback to The Round Hill Society
Brighton and Hove City Council
Links to
Council departments which will address requests & concerns
The Council website gives you the opportunity to fill in a
Do it now form requests & complaints RE recycling and rubbish.
The button (below) can be used for anything that needs cleaning, though priority is given to dangerous items such as litter from drug waste (especially needles), broken glass, hazardous liquids when still wet, such blood, paint, oil and diesel etc.
Our own website has a page on what can be recycled and
where in Brighton & Hove to send things.
The Round Hill Reporter newsletter
Past issues of our printed newsletter 'The Round Hill Reporter' can be downloaded (in PDF format) from here.
Social media in Round Hill
The Round Hill Community Noticeboard is a Facebook Group, launched in April 2016, intended to complement The Round Hill Society.
The group's aim is for Round Hill, Brighton, UK residents to communicate with each other - promote community events; ask for trader recommendations; buy/sell/swap stuff; discuss issues of local interest. Any members can post but no regular advertising please.
It's an invite-only group to try and keep things local and to prevent spammers from selling their dodgy wares. Please don't ask to join unless you live and/or work in Round Hill - thank you.
The aim is identity rather than size. 620+ members already indicates good coverage within a neighbourhood with circa 900 households. There are other resources for communicating with adjoining neighbourhoods. Admin reserve the right to block anyone who posts inappropriately.
Living Streets
Living Streets - Living Streets is a major new campaign of The Pedestrians Association. This is the one body that can speak for you with authority. The Pedestrians Association (PA) have since 1929 been the driving force behind much road safety regulation and many schemes such as the Walk to School campaign, Home Zones and pedestrianised areas. The Living Streets initiative is a nationwide - ongoing - campaign to win back the streets for everybody.
City-wide volunteering
Community Base, a registered charity operating from 113 Queens Road, Brighton BN1 3XG, provides a home for community and voluntary groups in Brighton and Hove.
Brighton & Hove Community Works was created in 2013 following a merger between