Crescent Rd 0000 index












The strip of land had once been the drying field for Crescent Road laundries. It had also been a shooting range, but more recently had been used for light office work, mainly by Geo-Environmental, leaving sufficient soft landscaping to reduce overlooking between Crescent Road and Belton Road properties and to retain some wildlife. This amenity value was enjoyed by at least 37 existing Round Hill properties. The price paid for this property in 2014 was stated then as £425,000.

Red Links = this website; Blue Links = BHCC's Planning Register

BH2014/00124 withdrawn

Belton Road 2014 Open Space BH2014/00124

FIRST FULL PLANNING APPLICATION withdrawn on Wed 19th March 2014

Very soon after this application for 5 self-contained flats was lodged, the developer decided that it might be a quicker route to attempt to claim permitted development.

BH2014/00841 refused 13th May 2014

[permitted development]

Crescent Rd-Belton Rd Open Space Application BH2014/00841

Crescent Rd proposal is wrongly described BH2014/00841

Crescent Rd-fails the permitted development tests BH2014/00841

Crescent Road 2014 BH2014/00841 refused 13 May 2014 - prior approval of development required

Based on the history of the site and previous categories of use, residents put up robust arguments as to why application BH2014/00841 did not qualify for permitted development having sought planning advice from Legal Aid. The Council decided that prior approval of development was required i.e. a full application.

BH2014/03343 refused December 2014

[permitted development]

The developer noticed that legislation was rapidly changing to make it easier to get schemes accepted and decided to have another go at avoiding a full planning application. Description: Prior Approval for Change of Use from Offices (B1) to Residential (C3) to form 5no Self contained flats. Residents continued to study planning law and argue their case. In December 2014, BH2014/03343 was also refused.

Crescent Road 2014 Objection BH2014/03343

Crescent Road and Contamination BH2014/03343

Crescent Road 2014 Pro Forma BH2014/033343

Crescent Road 2014 signatures BH2014/03343

Crescent Road 2014 covering letter BH2014/03343

Crescent Rd and permitted development BH2014/033343 refused December 2014

This was followed by a request for a Certificate of Lawfulness (BH2014/01815 28 A, B & C Crescent Road) which was withdrawn before the decision date.

BH2015/03013 refused 30 November 2015

A SECOND FULL PLANNING APPLICATION followed, which was not withdrawn: Part demolition and conversion of existing commercial buildings and erection of two new buildings to provide 3 no. two bedroom houses, 1 no. two bedroom flat and 1 no. one bedroom flat. However, the amount of accommodation was deemed excessive.

Crescent Road 2015 Application BH2015/03013 refused 30 November 2015

With failure to justify permitted development and a full application for planning refused, the developer showed greater willingness to liaise with local residents.

Crescent Road 2015 Liaison

Towards the end of a planning committee meeting lasting circa 7 hours, BH2016/00862 was approved without any debate. The nature of the application site lent itself to complicated presentation, though it seemed that members of the planning committee had already decided to support the officers recommendation to grant. One who had to leave before the vote was taken was confident that it would go through. Such is the pressure on meeting housing targets. Protecting open spaces on private land has now become an enormous challenge no matter how great their amenity value is to numerous existing residents.

BH2016/00862 approved on 12th October 2016


Crescent Road 2016 Approval absence of debate towards end of long meeting

Having taken almost three years to get full planning permission for 4no two bedroom houses which clearly did not meet the approval of local residents, the outcome was that the developer did not want to build his own scheme:

Site + permission sold to AMF (Crescent Rd) Ltd prior to auction

The Guide Price set for the auction was £650,000- £700,000.

This page was last updated by Ted on 25-Nov-2024
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