Save The Signalman Pub Garden











Following circa 200 objections, the unneighbourly proposal to cram in 3no two bedroom dwelling ;to the current end-of-terrace at the NE end of Shaftesbury Road has now been WITHDRAWN. The scheme failed to consider:

  • 1) the value of the pub garden to community
  • 2) the architectural worth & relationship between The Signalman Public House (former Railway Hotel) and London Road Brighton Station - each of which are included on The City's list of Heritage Assets
  • 3) the amenity (overlooking, loss of light/privacy) of neighbouring and opposite buildings in Shaftesbury Road.

link to Save "The Signalman Garden" Facebook Campaign Site (Celebration?)



  • The proposed new door would provide an exit leading to a fire assembly point in the rear yard, therefore improving the means of escape in the event of an emergency.  
  • the proposed external stairway would provide better access to the manager’s accommodation on the upper floor. The accommodation can currently only be accessed via the main pub entrance to the front of the building.



  • The bars of The Signalman are located on the ground floor and there is a door through the pub to the existing garden. This has been the provision for emergency over very many years, including when the pub was a hotel. No evidence has been offered to suggest that fire safety officers are unhappy with the current accesses.
  • Is it not the role of a pub manager to keep an eye on the public house itself? Why is the pub entrance inappropriate for a pub manager to use?
  • In the context of the recently WITHDRAWN application to put new build on the existing pub garden, there is local concern that it may still in the applicant's mind to pave the way for another similar application. While planning conditions could be set to prevent this, they would need to be very robust to satisfy the local community.


Planning Application BH2017/00829

76 - 78 Ditchling Rise Brighton BN1 4QQ
Description: Erection of a 3 storey building containing 3no two bedroom dwellings and associated cycle parking.

Bullet-points made in objections to withdrawn proposal

Adverse impact on:

  • the amenity of adjoining properties, especially in terms of overlooking and loss of light (contrary to saved Local Plan policy QD27)
  • the local community - not only Ditchling Rise Area residents, but also to many surrounding neighbourhoods (including Round Hill) who derive amenity from having the garden as a meeting place. Contrary to the applicant's claim, this open space is currently used and enjoyed as a garden to The Signalman Pub.
  • the setting of both The Signalman Public House and London Road Brighton Station - each of which are included in The City's list of Heritage Assets. The important relationship of station and the former Railway Hotel would be ruined by removing the open space on the junction of Ditchling Rise and Shaftesbury Place and cramming in a building which is quite out of keeping with the present setting valued both for architecture / history / community. Refer to listing criteria A, C and F below.











See the entry for The Signalman Pub on Brighton and Hove City Council's Local List of Heritage Assets.

Criteria for inclusion of The Signalman Pub on The Local List are:

  • A [Architectural, Design and Artistic Interest]: ii A good example of a late 19th century Railway Hotel
  • C [Townscape Interest]: ii Not within a conservation area, it contributes greatly to the streetscene. There is a strong connection with local landmark London Road Station, both visually (the pub is located opposite the station and terminates views down Shaftesbury Avenue) and historically (the pub was originally the Railway Hotel and is contemporary with the Station).
  • F [Intactness]: i The building retains its design integrity and its visual relationship with the Railway Station ii Use as a public house is retained

The Date of inclusion is 2015 and London Road Brighton Station (mentioned above) was also included in the city’s list of Heritage Assets in the same year.

Quite clearly the proposal under consideration would adversely affect the setting of both heritage assets and would introduce a class of architectural styles which would ruin the historic relationship still intact and so clearly valued by both the local community and so many from neighbourhoods beyond who have emerged from the charming station.

See the entry for London Road Brighton Station on Brighton and Hove City Council's Local List of Heritage Assets.

London Road Station












Link to Save "The Signalman Garden" Facebook Campaign Site

This page was last updated by Ted on 07-Dec-2024
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