City-wide Volunteering

and Living Streets

Community Base, a registered charity operating from 113 Queens Road, Brighton BN1 3XG, provides a home for community and voluntary groups in Brighton and Hove.

Brighton & Hove Community Works was created in 2013 following a merger between

  1. Brighton and Hove Community and Voluntary Sector Forum
  2. Performance Development Service (formerly a service of Impetus)
  3. Skills Exchange (formerly a service of Business Community Partnership) and
  4. Volunteer Centre, Brighton and Hove (formerly a service of Impetus).

In the past, The Round Hill Society has taken out membership of Living Streets - Living Streets is a major new campaign of The Pedestrians Association. This is the one body that can speak for you with authority. The Pedestrians Association (PA) have since 1929 been the driving force behind much road safety regulation and many schemes such as the Walk to School campaign, Home Zones and pedestrianised areas. The Living Streets initiative is a nationwide - ongoing - campaign to win back the streets for everybody. 

This page was last updated by Ted on 02-Dec-2024
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