Gardens & wildlife

Plant Sale

2nd June 2024

Round Hill










 Annual Round Hill Plant Sale
Thank you to residents who donated and purchased plants. £221.73 was taken. All proceeds go to the Round Hill Green Spaces project for the upkeep of our community planters.


21st May 2023

The ANNUAL ROUND HILL PLANT SALE with Barnie's Mobile Tool Sharpening Service took place on Sunday 21st May 2023 on the corner of Princes and Mayo Roads. Thank you to residents who donated and purchased plants. £285 was taken within two hours. All proceeds go to the Round Hill Green Spaces project for the upkeep of our community planters.


























29th May 2022

Round Hill Green Spaces plant sale on 29th May 2022 raised £184 which was spent on new bulbs and plants for our planters. These have now been planted and the planters have been repainted black to cover graffiti.

29th June 2014

RHS Picnic 2014













We hope to run a plant sale during the early part of the afternoon picnic. All proceeds from the sale will be donated to the funds of The Round Hill Society and prices will be kept low.  A few tomato plants will be on sale.

RHS Picnic 2014






 We have masses of Basil plants, which we hope to clear quickly. They will be good value. The pictures (above and below) are the ones we will be selling.

RHS Picnic 2014








And in case, the Round Hill pigeons ate all your young sunflower plants (they ate most of ours!) the plants below are ones which took refuge in our greenhouse. Keep them out of the pigeons' way until they are a little more established before planting out.  

RHS Picnic 2014










There will also be a few pond plants and some others.  

RHS Picnic 2014












RHS Picnic 2014












RHS Picnic 2014









RHS Picnic 2014














This page was last updated by Ted on 12-Jun-2024
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