What Requires Planning Permission
Round Hill Article 4(2) Direction. Introduction of additional planning restrictions
Additional town planning controls have been introduced for single dwelling houses in the Round Hill Conservation Area, after public consultation.
The Council applies the new rule by drawing a 50metre radius circle around the proposed new student house (HMO) and checking to see if 10% of the houses in the circle are already registered as HMOs. If it is already 10% or more, then the current applicant will not be granted permission to operate as an HMO.
Round Hill Conservation Area – Article 4 Direction
& What Requires Planning Permission
Round Hill conservation area was designated in 1977 as an area of special historic or architectural interest. It was found that the uniformity of the terraces in Round Hill had a positive contribution and was part of the essential and unique character of the conservation area, which was desirable to preserve or enhance.
In conservation areas, planning permission is required to demolish buildings (to avoid unsightly gap sites), construct large outbuildings, build extensions that are over 50 cubic metres or 10% of the volume of the original house, make alterations or extensions to the roof of a dwelling house that faces a highway, add cladding to an elevation that faces a highway, or undertake works to a tree.
In 2002, the Council put an Article 4 direction on the conservation area. The article 4 direction is an extra piece of legislation requiring planning permission to be sought for specific developments relating to single dwelling houses.
Planning permission is now required for making any alteration to a façade that fronts a highway. Planning permission is also required for changing windows, doors, roof coverings, chimneys or adding roof lights.
The principle behind the article 4 direction is that what can appear to be a minor change to a property (such as replacement windows) can, over a period of time, and repeated on many properties, erode the special character of the conservation area and cause the historical and architectural features – the reason why it was designated a conservation area in the first place - to be lost. For clarification, a common misconception is that conservation area consent is required for alterations to buildings in a conservation area. “Conservation Area consent” applies only to substantial demolition in a conservation area. Most developments require planning permission only.
One of the most commonly applied for permissions in Round Hill are roof extensions, including dormers and/or rooflights. Conservation rooflights are a standard condition on most planning applications which involve them, as these slim proportioned, flush fitting rooflights, with a central glazing bar minimise the visual impact that rooflights can cause to a roofscape. Any other roof extensions, including dormers, also need to conform with the Council’s adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance on Roof Extensions and Alterations – SPG01, which can be downloaded from the council’s website or obtained from the Conservation and Design Team.
There are also a number of listed buildings in Round Hill conservation area. Listed Building Consent is required to alter the character of the listed building. Contrary to popular belief, all buildings, irrespective of their grade or list description are listed internally as well as externally. Further guidance is given in the Council’s adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance on Listed Buildings and Listed Building Interiors – SPG 11 & SPG 13. Both are available from the council’s website or from the Conservation and Design Team.
Flats, including conversions, do not have any permitted development rights, therefore permission is required for all external alterations, whether the property is in a conservation area or not.
Copies of the Round Hill Character Statement are also available on the website or from the Conservation and Design Team and are free. A Resident’s Guide to the Article 4 direction is available from the Conservation and Design Team and is free. A certified copy of the original adopted notice of the article 4 direction is available for a small charge.
The Planning Investigations Team investigate possible breaches of planning permission or unauthorised development. Often the property owner does not realise that permission is required. Often the development that has taken place is acceptable, but permission is still required and a retrospective permission can be applied for. Unfortunately there are some cases that are not acceptable and permission would not be granted and the Council can issue an Enforcement Notice requiring remedial works. It is therefore advisable that planning advice is sought and the correct permission is obtained before works are carried out.
Contact details
City Planning
(Incorporating Development Control, Planning Investigations, Conservation & Design and Planning Policy & Local Development Framework Teams)
Hove Town Hall
Norton Road
Hove BN3 3BQ
Conservation and Design
(For specific conservation advice) 01273 292271.
Planning Inspectorate:
Planning Portal – Central Government Website: