Mayo Road
Mayo Road achieved notoriety as being the home of the largest laundry in Round Hill. The 1891 census shows 8 laundresses living in the street two of whom were the daughters of the rural postman living at 6 Mayo Road. The owner of Mayo Laundry, Mr H. Winter, is not listed as living at 6 Mayo Road until 1895.
Mayo Laundry closed in the mid 1980s to be replaced by Mayo Court, a 32-flat development.
With the cooperation of residents, Mayo Road has been closed to traffic for a couple of hours on occasional Sundays between spring and halloween to allow The Round Hill Society to host street play. There were approximately 25 such sessions between 2014 and 2019. After Covid, street play has been continued and combined with activities such as plant sales and water fights. The halloween street play has proved to be the most popular.
Mayo Road has also been a focal point of community clean-ups, mainly because of the need to control overgrowth of ivy at the junction with Princes Road.
When the houses were built.
1879 1-6 Mayo Road.
1880 7 - 13 Mayo Road.
1881 14 & 15 Mayo Road.
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This page was last updated by Ted on 22-Sep-2023