Gardens & wildlife

Conservation Advisory Group

Brighton & Hove City Council's Conservation Advisory Group is a collective group of predominantly local conservation groups and amenity societies. CAG provides advice and comments on significant planning applications affecting listed buildings, conservation areas, locally listed buildings and historic parks and gardens, or their settings, where visible from the public realm or accessible to the public.

Numbers of residents or households represented
The Brighton Society 72 households and amenity groups
Brunswick & Adelaide Residents Group 318
Hove Civic Society 387
Kingscliffe Society 394
Montpelier & Clifton Hill Association 346
North Laine Community Association 1,500 households
Preston & Old Patcham Society 109 households
Regency Society 400
Regency Square Area Society 200 households
Round Hill Society 1,000 households
Rottingdean Preservation Society 425 households, 630 members
Stanmer Preservation Society 20 households in the village and 120 members
West Hill Community Association 1,000 households.

Please note: Round Hill currently lacks representation on the Conservation Advisory Group. Meetings are every 3 to 4 weeks on Tuesday mornings and last between two to three hours. Participating in CAG offers a good opportunity to learn about heritage and the workings of the planning system. CAG can be helpful when we are objecting to a planning application which impacts on our Conservation Area's character and appearance.

1.1 Generally to act as a reference group to advise the Council on the implementation of the Conservation Strategy, on major planning applications or Council proposals affecting Conservation areas, Listed Buildings and on the development of policies for the protection of the historic built environment.

2.1 To promote the objectives of conservation and to facilitate communication between the public and the Council on matters of conservation, historic buildings and archaeology.

2.2 To encourage the conservation and improvement of conservation areas, buildings of architectural or historic interest, other areas of historical interest and areas of archaeological interest within the city.

2.3 To submit to the Council suggestions for action which will preserve or enhance the character or appearance of Conservation Areas within Brighton and Hove and to encourage societies and individuals voluntarily to enhance their local environment.

2.4 To act as a source of advice on major planning applications and other proposals, including traffic calming or pedestrianisation proposals, that could affect the character of conservation areas , buildings of architectural or historic interest or historic parks and gardens.

2.5 To assist in the development and formulation of policies to enhance and protect conservation areas and buildings of architectural or historic interest in Brighton & Hove.

2.6 To report unauthorised work and conditions of planning permissions that have not been complied with.

3.1 A broad, locally based membership is desirable, to ensure that the council is able to effectively disseminate and collect local conservation information.

3.1.1 Local Groups and Societies: Membership should be drawn from representative organisations only, which are open to all residents or traders in an area without any selection criteria. Each organisation should hold regular meetings and an annual meeting at which officers of the organisation are democratically elected. Member groups should submit an annual report and the minutes of their AGM. The groups or societies should have as one of their stated or implied aims the conservation of the historic fabric or archaeological interest of their area.

3.1.2 That as far as possible the society or group should represent the whole (or a large proportion) of one of the designated conservation areas of Brighton and Hove.

3.1.3 That English Heritage be represented should they choose to attend.

3.1.4 That membership be open to representatives of Sussex Enterprise or other business or commercial organisations in Brighton and Hove (particularly those that have a significant presence in historic areas).

3.1.5 That membership be open to nominees from the national amenity societies (such as the National Trust , Victorian Society or Society for the Preservation of Ancient Buildings (SPAB))

3.1.6 That membership be open to nominees of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) the Royal Institute of Structural Engineers and the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI)

The Group shall be entirely advisory and shall not have executive powers.

The secretariat of the Group shall be Brighton & Hove Council.

Agendas will be produced by officers of the Council in consultation with the Chair.

The Chair shall be elected from the membership annually.

There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Group in May of each year at which the Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected.

The Group may establish sub-groups as required.

The Group shall advise the Council on nominations for new members of the Group.

Any sub-groups, nominee (or substitute) representing the group at Council meetings shall be elected by a vote at a full meeting of the group.

5.1 The Group shall principally report to the Policy and Resources (Planning Applications) Sub-Committee. However, the interests of the Group are relevant to a range of Council activities and other Committees may wish to request reports from the Group, when there is a need for input from a conservation perspective.

5.2 Record of comment: The minutes of the meeting shall record an agreed form of words that shall be reported as the comment of the group. So far as is practical the chair to approve the minutes within 5 working days of the meeting or the production of the minutes.

This page was last updated by Ted on 16-Mar-2022
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