The home site of the Round Hill Society, a community group of the residents of Round Hill in Brighton, England. The site contains information about the area, latest news and reflections on life in Round Hill.
Click here for news of the most recent cleanup using the services of Goodgym as well as members of Brighton and Hove Tidy Up Team.
Examples of what we do:
1-minute video clip (YouTube).
See also Chris Cox's report and picture (at the junction of Richmond Rd and D'Aubigny Rd) at The Argus - Community Pages
14th September 2021
Help cut back the excess growth down the Catcreep.
Meet at the top of the Catcreep. Bring gloves and implements of destruction (shears, secateurs, loppers). Any help is good help, even a short visit. We will try to open up the pavement on Wakefield Rd where there is excess tree growth blocking easy passage. All greenery to be bagged and stacked at corner of Round Hill Crescent and Upper Lewes Road for the Council to collect. Please come along if you can.
This is one of the usual sites for cutting back overgrown vegetation. Other teams of volunteers worked elsewhere in Round Hill, for example around Richmond House. The Cat Creep and the tree at the west end of Round Hill Crescent received attention too.
Note: while it creates an accessible seating area for parents supervising Play Street to have the street side of the fence free of vegetation, volunteers were careful to leave a screen of ivy and other vegetation on the far site of the fence to separate the conservation area from the Centenary Industrial Estate - a view not wanted by most residents living in Round Hill.
Thank you to Annie for the three photos and to all who participated. We hope to see new faces at our next clean-up. Children are especially welcome in the company of adults.
Sharing the experience of a community clean-up ranks high in environmental education and could lead to your children tidying spaces of their own!
Thank you, Miriam for the seasonal posters. There is a good smattering of autmn leaves in corners of our neighbourhood where we still have trees e.g. the junction of Princes Crescent and Wakefied Road.
14th October 2018
If you missed our 2018 Spring Clean-up, you were not alone because it was cancelled due to snow. No snow is forecast for 14th October so find your gardening gloves & secateurs and get out there and meet your neighbours.
30th October 2016
My single picture of the Autumn 2016 Clean-Up did not improve on the one above from a previous year taken by somebody else.
On the latest occasion, Rob Stephenson and others spruced up the Cat Creep steps. Further volunteers were stationed in other Round Hill hot spots prone to overgrown vegetation &/or occasional dog fouling.
The help which we received from City Clean was well up to standard. We were able to load cuttings straight onto their vehicles, which saved the use of too many plastic bags.
Two regular spruce-up sites were [1] the junction of Princes Road and Mayo Road. Vegetation was thinned out on & around the low wall, which forms a perfect seat for watching Play Streets or taking a rest when walking the dog. [2] at the bottom of Wakefield Road (to the east) where a lot of clipping is usually needed at this time of year.
Dog stencils were also renewed , now a regular task during our of Clean-Up events.
Sandy Thomas and Annie Rimington play a large part in the co-ordination of The Round Hill Society's Clean-up events
The support of City Clean provides a valuable link between us and them. They supply litter pickers, rubbish sacks etc and, most significantly, carry off all the rubbish we amass. We also know the neighbourhood's regular street cleaner. This degree of liaison is very helpful when issues to do with cleaning (a common concern) crop up.
22nd March 2014
Although turn out from residents (and committee) was lower this year, it was still a very successful clean up, thanks in great part to City Clean.
Trevor and Eduardo supported a valiant RH team of rubbish collectors - with very nifty litter picking by the younger members of Roundhill - by taking away loads of rubbish. Adam contributed some lovely herb plants which were added to the planters at either end of Roundhill Crescent along with some Nasturtium seeds. City Clean's graffiti team were active, painting over lots of tagging ( but the large wall along Upper Lewes Rd remains a problem). Thanks to our ward Councillor Pete West for turning up to provide encouragement.
If any residents would like their old (round and usually lidless) black rubbish bins replaced with nice new green lidded wheelie bins for free, then just let me (Annie Rimington) know (contact details are on the printed Round Hill Reporter). That way the gulls can't get at the rubbish and the rain doesn't get in, making the bins smell and too heavy for refuse collectors to empty them.
Sunday 20th September 2013
Over thirty Round Hill residents, representing all age ranges, were out on a morning (when the weather could not make up its mind) performing the maintenance tasks which have come to be associated with our community clean-ups.
By midday, the Cats Creep was looking much more inviting.
Similar effort went into taming the vegetation to the NE of Richmond Road so that the pavement was more navigable.
The gap between the ends-of-terraces of Mayo Rd and Princes Rd also got thorough attention.
Damien's team from City Clean again supported this voluntary effort by providing yellow jackets and the transport needed to remove the clippings and other waste such as a roll of carpeting left out on the street.
Bulbs were also planted to add a bit of colour to the neighbourhood's few public open spaces.
Brighton and Hove Council's City Clean department has liaised with The Round Hill Society too in the production of a range of stickers in different colours. We hope that residents will display at least one sticker on a front window in support of our community aim of reporting fly-tipping & graffiti, keeping footways both clean and accessible and generally ensuring that our local surroundings remain pleasant.
Most residents who have participated in our clean-ups (to date) have found them fun. One only needs to have short exchanges with others in our neighbourhood to renew the feeling of community which gets lost when residents have no time for their immediate surroundings. I found myself asking a local musician if he was available to provide instrumental accompaniment at our festive singing this coming December. No doubt there were similar exchanges among the 30+ residents who attended the event. This is how the work of a local residents' association is driven forward and how community spirit gains momentum. I hope we'll be able to provide a variety of events, yet at the same time I am convinced that these clean-ups are worth repeating.
13th April 2013
Report on April 2013 10am Spring Clean
1-minute video clip (YouTube).
See also Chris Cox's report and picture (at the junction of Richmond Rd and D'Aubigny Rd) at The Argus - Community Pages
Following the success of our Round Hill Autumn Clean up in October 2012, we held a similar event Round Hill Spring Clean on Saturday 13th April 2013. Boo, Cath & Annie again played a significant role in arrangements (e.g. contacting City Clean, publicity) and making sure that everything went to plan on the day.
About 35 local residents (children from 5 years to older citizens including one of over 70 years) assisted in tidying up hedges, beds and borders.
We asked residents to (i) Spruce up ‘fronts’ (ii) Tidy bins and boxes (iii) Weed and trim foliage.
Three quarters of a ton of waste was taken away in City Clean vehicles.
Volunteers got to work on plantings raised beds both in Mayo Court and in front of Richmond House at the corner of Richmond Road & D’Aubigny Road.
Richmond House The gaps between the ends of our period terraces (mid Victorian in Richmond Rd and D'Aubigny Rd and a mix of Victorian and mid 1920s in Mayo Road and Princes Rd) provide long views into and out of Round Hill. These connect a conservation area (which remains very much as it was originally planned) with Downland hillsides (Moulsecoomb, Bevendean, top of Bear Rd, Woodvale, Tenantry Down, Race Course).
If we can demonstrate that we value these gaps, developers will find it harder to plug them with ugly buildings (e.g. located on the Centenary Industrial Estate). It is common for pictures of trashed locations to be included in planning applications to justify the erection of ugly buildings.
The project in the vicinity of Richmond House was to make the corner plot more attractive.
6th & 7th October 2012