Gardens & wildlife

Round Hill Dog Show 28 July 2019

Round Hill's second dog show, open to dogs who live in Round Hill or who walk through the area regularly, was held on Sunday 28th July 2019

It provided a lot of fun for all who attended. Thanks go especially to Jan Curry, the main organiser, members of her family, all, the organisers and all who took part.


  • Bad hair day
  • Shiniest coat
  • Best looking Oldie over seven years old
  • Best trick
  • Musical Sits. (Dog who sits first on command from owner when music stops)
  • Waggiest tail
  • Temptation alley (a sausage for all dogs who manage to walk beautifully without stealing sausage treats along a designated route)
  • Most fabulous fella (dog) in judges' opinion, as we all know they are all fab anyway
  • Most beautiful gal (bitch) in judges' opinion, as we all know they are all lovely really
  • Dog with the silliest expression
  • Best paw shaker
  • Best rescue dog
  • Musical Statues (Dog and owner staying the most still for the longest period when the music stops


It was a lovely occasion and all dogs were winners of something. 

”The dog we would most like to take home" was the whippet, but we would have liked to take home all of them.

We had one visitor---Jango, the black dog with the stylish bow tie. We had dogs of all sizes from Paul's two tiny ones at one end of the scale to the lurcher who convincingly won the prize for resisting the sausages, a category in which several dogs were disqualified at the first hurdle. much to the amusement of the crowd. One of the most challenging categories was that in which dogs and owners had to remain still when the music stopped. We also had a vegan dog who loved the sausages!!! Luckily the owner was accommodating!

Perhaps worth mentioning are the small kids who brought their toy dogs. They walked the walk with their toy dogs in the resisting sausages category and won rosettes. We also had a young handler's award which went to Cleo Davies, not really a handler but holding the lead of her next door neighbour's dog and looking very sweet as she did so.

The prizes were quite spectacular, in range and value, thanks to the generosity of local pet shops.


A video was made of Round Hill's first dog show which took place in May 2017. Clips from it appear on The Round Hill Community Noticeboard (a closed Facebook Group for Round Hill residents). The most entertaining categories e.g.  "Tricks" and "Temptation Alley" will be highlighted, though all the categories gave rise to amusement.

This page was last updated by Ted on 05-Sep-2020
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