Discovering Round Hill s History
by Andrew Partington from The Round Hill Reporter September 2001
The Round Hill history Group was formed in July 2000 following the first public meeting of The Round Hill Society. Andrew Partington reports on progress so far on the oral history project and other work the group have been doing.
Letters in the Argus and Leader produced 8 replies from people willing to be interviewed (and one letter from a former resident, now in Australia). Pam Blackman coordinated the interviews. These have now been completed and the notes and audio tapes need writing up. Some photos have been lent to us by the interviewees, which we have copied onto computer files (by permission).
David Hood worked with Peggy Henderson (who provided expert legal knowledge) to sort the documents and arrange their transcription into typescript so they can be analysed and read without risk of physical damage to the originals. This work is nearly finished.
Keeping the archive
The notes and tapes from the interviews, and the society’s documents, need to be kept properly in an archive. We want to contact the local Records Office (or similar organisation) to see how this should best be done.
Further work
We are keen to continue and expand our work. We would like (subject to approval by the society’s committee) to have a budget for running costs, incidental expenses and to buy items such as small tape recorders.
We would like to publish the results of our work in due course. This may be on a web site or as a book - suggestions and offers of help in taking this forward are welcome.