Gardens & wildlife

Getting a local history group off the ground

by Andrew Partington from The Round Hill Reporter March 2001

The Round Hill Soceiety’s history group took a break over Christmas; the new season’s activities are about to start.

Top of the list will be publishing a selection of memories of life in Round Hill, starting in the next edition of this magazine. If there is enough interest we aim to publish a collection of these memories later.

Local links
We have a chance to apply for a grant from Brighton and Hove City Council and we will soon be agreeing what would best help us to take our work forward. The grant, if we are successful, will be for the new financial year. Links are being made with other local historians, both through the local archives and through other local residents’ groups and societies.

Can you help?
We still need help transcribing and cataloguing our documents. These include some fascinating records and sketch maps of the area from when the first building plots were staked out for sale. We know from these, foe example, that Ashdown Road was a late edition to the estate.
This page was last updated by Ted on 14-Nov-2013
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