Round Hill history group in 2003

by Chris Tullet from The Round Hill Reporter December 2003

At the Round Hill Society AGM on 18th November, an update was given on the work and progress of the History Group throughout 2003

It has been a year of varying fortunes, starting on a high with all of the interviews transcribed and typed up, and from which the chapters for the book were initiated.

The subjects of the outline chapters were agreed with Brighton Books, the proposed publishers and by March, all but two of the chapters were ready in draft form for editing.

It certainly looked as if our target publication date of October 2003 would be met. Whilst there were some aspects of research still to be undertaken (indeed it is a task that never really stops as new information comes to hand), it was felt that we had more than enough recollections and facts of Round Hill of the past to produce a meaningful and interesting booklet.

Regrettably, from March onwards the progress slows and then stops altogether due to several misfortunes.

Firstly, Brighton Books were due to publish a history on Preston Village in April, but work on this was delayed and the knock-on effect was the potential to delay our book, since publishing resource was limited.

Secondly, the group was dealt a blow by the sudden death of Lindsey Lee, a founding member of the group and one who had done several interviews and much transcription work.

Finally, another member of our group, Jacqueline Pollard, who co-directs Brighton Books and is therefore our key link with the publishers, was taken seriously ill in the early summer. The result was that meetings were temporarily suspended and most work other than minor research was put on hold.

Thankfully, Jacqueline is slowly recovering and it is hoped that meetings will restart in anuary 2004. Preliminary discussions with Jacqueline seem to indicate that a target date for publication of October 2004 should be feasible, provided no further misfortunes occur.

The whole group has been disappointed by the delay, but remains optimistic that we will eventually see the history of our area in print.

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