Contacting Your Local Council

The local Councillors for Round Hill are Raphael Hill and Pete West

Any resident can make Brighton and Hove City Council aware of problems in the streets where they live.

The top 8 Round Hill concerns uncovered by the recent community survey focused mainly on our neighbourhood's streets:

1. Dog fouling (80%)  2. Refuse/recycling mess & rubbish in gardens (75%)  3. Difficulty parking (75%)  4. Thoughtless/poor driving (70%)  5. Graffiti (60%)  6. Poor air quality: WTS and Lewes Rd (60%)  7. Noisy neighbours (50%)  8. Anti-social behaviour on streets (50%)

[Percentages in the above league table apply to respondents who were "very/sometimes concerned"]

Make requests &/or complaints
to Brighton and Hove City Council

1a Rubbish, Recyling and Streets : report a missed collection | Check your recycling and rubbish day | Order recycling boxes, recycling nets or a wheelie bin | Apply for garden waste collection | Request cleaning of a street | Report fly-tipping or dumping of waste | Apply for a commercial waste collection.

1b Report a problem which needs cleaning: dropped litter, dog mess, and hazardous/dangerous materials left in public places.

2 bulky waste collections First, check what we can collect, and the prices, then phone 01273 290 798 to book between 9:30am and 1.30pm, Monday to Friday.

3 Graffiti 

The Council will remove offensive graffiti (see definition) on both public and private property. Call them on (01273) 292929 so they can remove it as quickly as possible. Offensive graffiti is cleaned off or painted over within 24 hours, but more often within 2 hours, of it being reported.

4 If you are troubled by odour, dust or noise from The Waste Transfer Station &/or Materials Recovery Facility at Hollingdean Depot, phone The Environment Agency on 0800 807060. They will log your complaint.  

You can also inform Veolia's Site Manager about odour &/or noise by email (phone on 01273 544 205) or write to Hollingdean MRF/WTS, Veolia Environmental Services (UK) Plc, Hollingdean Lane, Brighton BN1 7BB.

5 The Council webpage on Air Quality Management

6 Noise from neighbours

7a Anti-social behaviour and crime - Council
7b Reporting anti-social behaviour and hate incidents - Council
7c Andrew Keeffe is the university of Brighton's Community Relations and Housing Advice Officer and Roisin Vafaee is the Police Liaison Officer
8a Bonfires and Smoke nuisance
8b Smoke Control Areas - Round Hill falls within SCA 4.
DEFRA's website has some helpful pages on Fuels you are allowed to burn and Appliances you are allowed to use within Smoke Control Areas in England when using the specified fuels.

9 Street Furniture application - placement or removal e.g. request a new bench or litter bin.

10 Highways page Report an abandoned vehicle, issues with street lighting and road repairs.








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This page was last updated by Ted on 02-Dec-2024
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