Upper Lewes Wakefield roads
3, Upper Lewes Road/1A And 1B Wakefield Road
The upshot is the site gained planning permission for development in 2018 on condition it was car-free, i.e. residents would not have access to residents' parking permits.
10. Within 6 months of commencement of the development hereby permitted or prior to occupation, whichever is the sooner, a scheme shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval to provide that the residents of the three additional flats, other than those residents with disabilities who are Blue Badge Holders, have no entitlement to a resident's parking permit. The approved scheme shall be implemented before occupation. Reason: This condition is imposed in order to allow the Traffic Regulation Order to be amended in a timely manner prior to first occupation to ensure that the development does not result in overspill parking and to comply with policies TR7 & QD27 of the Brighton & Hove Local Plan and CP9 of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One and SPD14: Parking Standards.
The developers have submitted a new application "BH2020/01074" requesting a change in proposed size and layout of the buildings. If you want to ensure the development, as proposed under its new configuration remains car-free, you submit comments by registering/logging into the BHCC website, going to the planning pages and click on "find a planning application", and then using the search box to search for "3 Upper Lewes Road" or "BH2020/01074".
Due to separate concerns about the public health & safety aspects of the poor condition of the boundary wall on the Upper Lewes Road side of this site. BHCC Planning Enforcement; BHCC Building Control, and the Health & Safety Executive have been notified about this issue.
Below are some key points which might be useful in writing your comments about parking concerns --
- The whole development (including the accommodation reconfigured from the layout approved on the basis of the original planning application ) needs to be car-free in this sensitive location where any increase service vehicles alone could make the junction at Wakefield Road and Upper Lewes Road more hazardous.
- The earlier decision to approve the development with a car-permit free restriction (BH2018/03222) needs to be reapplied to this current application to ensure the development does not result in overspill parking and to comply with policies TR7 & QD27 of the Brighton & Hove Local Plan and CP9 of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One and SPD14: Parking Standards.
- The development proposes no off-street parking and therefore has potential to increase demand for on-street parking. The site is located in Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) J. SPD 14 suggests the consideration of the implementation of car-free housing for developments where the impact of overspill parking is considered unacceptable. These impacts may include localised increases in demand for on-street parking which can cause highway safety risks and can have a negative impact upon the amenity of existing residents in the vicinity of the site, with increased competition for on-street spaces. Neighbouring residents may, for example, have to park further away from their house and there may be the potential for increased noise and disturbance arising from cars driving around searching for spaces and manoeuvring into spaces. Any potential increase in the demand for on-street parking that would arise from the proposed development therefore needs to be assessed in terms of its impact on the living conditions of neighbouring residents and highway safety.
- Parking stress with the area is already “very high”. Permit uptake within Zone J over the previous 12 months averages 92%. Where permit uptake is over 80% over the previous 12 months, no additional overspill parking is permitted without a supporting parking survey and it is recommended that all new residential development is made car-permit free secured by condition. A recent decision by the Planning Inspectorate (Appeal Ref: APP/Q1445/W/19/3231412) upheld the decision by Brighton and Hove City Council’s Planning Department to retain the restriction not allowing access to car permits on another nearby development within the local conservation area of Round Hill. The report concluded parking stress in the area to be “very high”.