Veolia 0000 index
Public Meeting: Brighton & Hove City Council and Veolia 2005-06-23
Public Meeting: Brighton & Hove City Council and Veolia 2005-07-18
Dump The Dump Campaign Meeting RE BH2006/00900 2006-02-02
- 1. Licence to operate at Hollingdean Depot
- 2. Life near The Dump - Reporting Pollution
video clip Life near the Brighton MRF/WTS [1 min 3 sec] - 3. It's worth lobbying your MP!
- 4. Planning History of Veolia's facilities at Hollingdean Depot
- 5. Original planning conditions on approval of BH2006/00900 (June 2006)
- 6. Consultations with local residents, councillors, schools, internal departments
- 7. Campaign meetings and arguments
- 8. Approval of Hollingdean app BH2006/00900 & Campaign meetings on 19th June 2006.
video clip Protest march against the siting of the Waste Transfer Station at Hollingdean Depot - 17th June 2006 [4 min 15 sec] - 9. The Council's new planning register omits objections to BH2006/00900
- 10. The beginning of operation of WTS & MRF in 2009
- 11. Relaxation of conditions protecting residents' amenity since 2013
- 12A. Centenary Industrial Estate adopted as possibly suitable for waste management
- 12B. Say NO to commercial & industrial waste at Hollingdean Depot
- 13. Environment Agency Investigations into reasons for odour escape 2013-2014
- 14. Fires at Veolia's Waste Transfer Station - August 2019, September 2020 and September 2021.
- 15. Deputation to BHCC Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee - November 2019
- 16. Separate food waste collections and Hollingdean Waste Transfer Station to start in 2025
1. Licence to operate at Hollingdean Depot
Troubled by noise, smell or dust from The Waste Transfer Station at Hollingdean Depot? Phone (free from landlines):The Environment Agency on 0800 80 70 60 [ not The Council ] as it is The Environment Agency who set the terms of Veolia's licence which cover noise, odour, fugitive particles (dust) and pests.
Most of the Council's original planning conditions, set in 2006 to offer residents periods of respite from the operation Veolia's Hollingdean WTS & MRF, have now been abandoned. BHCC are Veolia's main customer at Hollingdean.
Unreasonable noise, odour and breaches of operating license
2. Life near the Dump (reporting pollution)
Click on the picture above for results of Environment Agency's investigation into odour
ODOUR FROM WTS? Tel. 0800 80 70 60 The Environment Agency
- Not Veolia, Not The Council: report pollution to the EA!
- Three separate complaints on 1 day prompt a call-out from the EA, which gives Hollingdean Dep its licence to operate & sets conditions.
- Whenever a complaint is logged The Environment Agency will ask the caller to rate the strength of the odour on a scale of 1 to 6. However, their investigating officer already knows exactly why The Hollingdean Waste Transfer Station has been a nuisance to nearby residents ever since the facility came into operation early in 2009.
3. It's worth lobbying your MP!
But to empower her to act (without assuming a role which would be more appropriate for a ward councillor) you need
- To express your concern as a National issue - not solely a local one e.g. the separation of food waste from plastic refuse or materials which would otherwise be easier to recycle is something which every Council in the country should be doing.
- Time your approach to coincide with National Media Attention, such as that given to the problem of plastic waste in the oceans by David Attenborough's powerful documentaries.
Environmental implications of BHCC's 30-year PFI contract with Veolia signed in 2003
Twitter Link to Caroline Lucas's question to Environment Secretary Michael Gove on behalf of Brighton and Hove
Caroline Lucas (former MP for Brighton Pavilion)
"we are locked into a 30-year PFI contract with Veolia entered into in 2003. Veolia are refusing to change the contract so that a wider range of plastics can be recycled. The Council doesn't have the million pounds that it would apparently cost to put in the new machinery at the Veolia plant in order to enable a wider range of plastics to be recycled and therefore we are in a deadlock. Is that something I can encourage the leader of Brighton and Hove Council to write to you and..."
Michael Gove (The Government's Environment Secretary)
"Oh please do. And I'd be very happy to talk to Veolia about that."
See articles from Materials Recycling World [MRW] read by everyone in the recycling and waste management market to recycling officers in local authorities.
- Brighton & Hove criticises Veolia over PFI deal
- Gove lays down gauntlet for resources sector
- Gove indicates backing for separate food waste collections
- Gove wants end to moral scandal of food waste
- Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association, Paper & Recycling industries call for separated food waste
- Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association calls on ministers to do the right thing over food waste
4. Planning History
BH2006/00900 Approved 19th June 2006
Construction and operation of a Materials Recovery Facility, Waste Transfer Station and Visitor Centre/Office building and ancillary infrastructure including gatehouse building and weighbridge, parking and highway revisions including creation of new access off Upper Hollingdean Road. | THE ABATTOIR, Hollingdean Lane, Brighton, BN1 7BB (Former Abattoir and Depot Site Hollingdean Lane Brighton).
5. Original planning conditions (June 2006) on approval of BH2006/00900
See the conditions which were first agreed to encourage the planning committee to grant approval and to protect the amenity of residents.
These were revised in 2013. Click here for details of conditions protecting the amenity of local residents which have now been dropped.
6. Consultations
CONSULTATIONS pages 31 to 34
External consultees;
Brighton Society and Conservation Advisory Group
Downs School Head's and Governors' comments
CONSULTATIONS pages 41 to 47
Internal consultees
CONSULTATIONS pages 56 to 57
The potential environmental impact of the development proposed in Hollingdean, in terms of noise, odour, dust and air quality has been considered in detail in the Environmental Statement.
The council's Environmental Health Team are generally satisfied with the methodology in the ES and its conclusions that, provided the recommendations and mitigation measures as detailed in the ES are addressed, the development will not have a significant adverse impact on local residents with regard to environmental issues.
- Impact during construction
- Design and appearance of the buildings and their impact on the immediate and wider townscape, including impact on conservation areas and listed buildings in the vicinity, and impact on distant views
- Accessibility
- Sustainability
7. Campaign meetings and arguments
- 2nd February 2016 Dump The Dump Public Meeting at Downs Infants School
- 23rd March 2006 Dump The Dump Campaign: Press Release
- 19th July 2006 Dump The Dump Meeting at the Brighthelm Centre on Alternative Strategies for Waste management.
- Critique of Veolia's application
8. Approval of Hollingdean app BH2006/00900
APPROVED BY 8 FOR and 4 AGAINST on 19th JUNE 2006
Veolia's planning application for their Waste Transfer Station and Materials Recovery Facility at Hollingdean Depot was approved by 8:4 at the above meeting on 19th June 2006 by members of the Council's Planning Applications Sub-Committee in spite of a very large number of objections from residents in nearby neighbourhoods as well as the Downs schools.
- June 2006 permission granted
- June 2006 reaction to permission
9. New planning register omits objections
The Council's updated Planning Register shows Veolia's supporting documents for BH2006/00900, but no letters of comment are displayed under the documents tab.
Out of a total of 2182 letters of comment, there were 2157 letters from residents objecting to the scheme, 23 letters from organised groups objecting to the scheme and 2 letters from individuals supporting the scheme.
It is fair to mention that in 2006 most letters of comment were submitted on paper. Digitising them would be costly, though as a piece of planning history the Council's current online record is rather one-sided in the arguments presented.
The above figures are summarised in section 6 CONSULTATIONS on page 31 of the AGENDA for the Special Meeting of the Planning Applications Sub-Committee held on Monday 19th June 2006 at Hove Town Hall. There are no AGENDAs dating earlier May 2008 on the Council's online Planning Committee Page, but here is a scan of the bottom of page 31 of the paper document:
Click on the above scan to see the comments on pages 32 and 33
10. Operation of WTS & MRF began in 2009
- October 2006 the aftermath - construction begins
- 7th December 2006 Dump The Dump Meeting at Downs Junior School
Hollingdean Depot Waste Transfer Station and Materials Recovery Facility started operating early in 2009 after a very noisy construction phase. Immediately noise became an evident disturbance to nearby residents and as the weather became hotter this was joined by nuisance from odour.
Longer operating hours were permitted when conditions made to give periods of respite to nearby residents were dropped in 2013 in spite of ongoing noise nuisance and odour escapes from buildings which are not well enough designed to contain either.
The Environment Agency has studied the problem and sees the only really effective solution to odour escapes as separate food processing elsewhere. Unwanted noise, specifically frequent periods of beeping, could be reduced if the Council could be persuaded to enforce its planning condition requiring 'smart reversing alarms' and if there were space on site to design buildings which are really fit for purpose.
11. Relaxation of conditions since 2013
Original condition made in 2006 giving residents periods of respite from industrial noise abandoned in favour of operating hours WTS & MRF 15 hours per day 363 days per year
Index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | extension of hours
2. A bad summer for local democracy
3. A rushed public consultation
4. Deficient summary of our objections and uncritical acceptance of Noise Impact Assessment
5. Concerns about local democracy: what can be done now?
6. Questions to ask planners & politicians
7. Two days' respite per year from industrial noise
8. Current Protection from Unreasonable Noise - where to address complaints about unreasonable levels of industrial noise and odour. What are the current restrictions on noise & odour pollution and Veolia's operating times?
9. Records of nuisances from noise and odour - description of the noise and odour nuisances which residents living near Hollingdean Depot have had to suffer, especially during May, June and July 2013 (to date).
10. The truth about odour, noise and the degree of disturbance to local residents
11. Private action to abate a noise nuisance - strategies used to discourage residents' complaints are (a) weighing them down with paperwork e.g. the obligation to keep a 2-week noise diaries, and (b) treating the complaint as "an allegation to be made in a Magistrates Court" while advising residents of the cost of a failed legal action.
12 Sites for waste management &
minerals production
12A. Centenary Industrial Estate adopted as possibly suitable for waste management
The Waste and Minerals Sites Plan proposed as planning policy for waste management and minerals production for the Plan Area to 2026 were adopted on 7 February 2017. The filenames of the PDF documents of interest to Round Hill are:
1. SoSIE (Schedule of Suitable Industrial Estates) Adopted version 1 201702061444 (LQ).pdf second document down in the list
- page 3 section 1.2 - This shedule identifies existing industrial estates which may be suitable for waste management
- page 27 shows a map containing Centenary Industrial Estate as one of these sites
- pages 27 & 28 review considerations [e.g. There is an Air Quality Management Area AQMA adjacent to the site which extends down the Lewes Road, Proposals should consider the potential for issues relating to air qualirt, including those relating to vehicle movements which may affect the AQMA. The site is predominantly within a residentia area, with the closest houses being in the Roundhill Conservation area. Developers and operators are encouraged to pro-actively engage with the local community]
- pages 27 & 28 review opportunities [E.G. potential to connect to major heat users & the national grid. Opportunity for co-location of waste management facilities. Located on land identified for industrial use.]
12B. Say NO to commercial & industrial waste at Hollingdean Depot 2013-2027
2. WMSP (Waste and Minerals Sites Plan) Adopted version 2 201702031538 (LQ).pdf first document in the list
- page1 Safeguarding for existing and allocated waste facilities; the identification of potential locations for future waste facilities.
- page 54 shows a map of Hollingdean Industrial Estate Brighton
- page 55 and 56 review development considerations and opportunities
- page 95 summarises the reasons for safeguarding Hollingdean Depot as a waste site
- page 118 shows a map of the residential areas around the site and encircles the consultation zone for informing residents of future development.
The Waste and Minerals Site Plan prepared by ESCC BHCC & The South Downs National Park Authority considered the option of using the Hollingdean Depot Waste Transfer Station for commercial & industrial waste as well as domestic waste. The purpose of the "Sites plan" was to identify existing waste management facilities which could be developed to help to meet the need for an additional recycling and recovery capacity between 2013 and 2027.
The Round Hill Society's website was quick to publicise the controversial proposal as well as the continued odour nuisance we get from the black bag waste alone. The issues of food waste mixed in with the plastics which Veolia does not recycle within its current long-term contract remain current.
13. Environment Agency Investigations 2013/14 Tel: 0800 80 70 60
Results of the investigation by The Environment Agency into
Odour Nuisances at The Hollingdean Waste Transfer Station
Use of deodorisers could be making the waste smellier
Use of community composting by other Local Authorities
The design of the Hollingdean Waste Transfer Station building allows escapes of odour (smell) and fugitive particles (dust) to take place.
In a letter to affected residents outlining the results of their investigation, the government's Environment Agency disclosed: "The building was built without an Antranra airlock system, so there is no barrier between the waste and the open air when the doors are opened and this allows odour to escape. Veolia have also identified that odour has been escaping through the vents designed to let air into the building." The re-location of facilities for processing food waste is not a goal which could be achieved overnight without bringing the city's refuse collection services to a standstill.
Part of the investigation into the odour nuisance focuses on whether the use of deodorisers makes the waste smellier by making it decompose more quickly.
Various planning applications have needed an accompaying noise assessment, yet odour does not seem to figure in judging whether a site is suitable. I have never seen a document assessing this.
A survey to measure how much dust is escaping into our homes and gardens is also long overdue, though it is as if Veolia's main client would prefer this not to be known.
14. Fires at the Waste Transfer Station: safety concerns
Notes from The Round Hill Society
1. Major fire on 25th August 2019 - fire crews take 12 hours to bring it under control.
- See: Demand for answers after Waste Depot fire
The Argus 6th September 2019. - The fire they're hoping everyone will forget
[The Argus 7th Sept 2020] - Dudeney Lodge and Nettleton Court
2. A second fire on September 2020.
3. A third fire on 29th September 2021
- See Fire at Brighton Waste Transfer site reignites neighbours safety concerns [Brighton & Hove News 5th Oct 2021], and
- Safety fears after fire at Veolia waste site in Hollingdean [The Argus 6th Oct 2021] for reports of a third fire.
15. Deputation to BHCC Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee
Following the fire at the Hollingdean Waste Transfer Station on 25th & 26th August 2019:
Read the deputation dated 26 November 2019
Read the responses to the deputation
Relevant minutes from the ETSC meeting of 26 November 2019
16. Separate food waste collections and Hollingdean Waste Transfer Station
Separate food waste collections: residents' concerns.
Cllr Pete West's questions and Cllr Tim Rowkins' replies.
This page was last updated by Ted on 10-Jan-2025