Round Hill Society Annual General Meeting, Wednesday
13th November 2024 7pm to 9pm at Richmond House

See here for Agenda. The meeting was attended by 7 Round Hill Society committee members and 15 other Round Hill residents. Cllr Raphael Hill was also in attendance.

See Minutes of the AGM for a report on the meeting.

Round Hill Society Annual General Meeting 22nd November 2023

The meeting was attended by 20 residents, our ward councillors Raphael Hill and Pete West and Round Hill PCS0 Ben Drewswood. See Minutes of the meeting.

Round Hill
















Round Hill History and Heritage

Building on the fascinating journey through Round Hill's history that you might have explored on the RHS history pages, a group of residents have embarked on an exciting project to dive even deeper into the history and heritage of our neighbourhood, one street at a time. Called a 'Gazetteer', this will gather together Round Hill's rich history - not just the facts and figures, but people and stories that have shaped our community.

The Gazetteer is just the beginning. It will lay the foundation for a 'Heritage Statement,' a document that will serve as a guiding light for preserving and enhancing the Round Hill conservation area. Together, we can ensure that our neighbourhood's unique character and history are protected and celebrated for generations.

Are you curious about our progress so far and eager to get involved? We invite you to join us at our upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) to learn more. It's a fantastic opportunity to connect with your neighbours, share your insights, and become an active participant in this exciting initiative. Your input is invaluable and will play a significant role in shaping our neighbourhood's future.

The Round Hill community is about coming together, celebrating our shared heritage, and shaping our future. See you at the AGM.

Round Hill Society Annual General Meeting 13 December 2022

Join the upcoming AGM run by the RHS Committee at Change Grow Live on Richmond Road, 6 - 8 pm on 13th December. Please feel free to bring some snacks - coffee and tea will be provided. All residents of the Round Hill Conservation Area (i.e. the Round Hill Society) are invited. The agenda will be as follows:

  • Welcome
  • Introducing your current committee members
  • Thank yous!
  • Treasury report
  • Achievements of 2022
  • Ongoing projects
  • Your vote! On the Committee for 2023
  • News

Read the minutes of the above meeting at

Round Hill Community Meeting 3rd November 2021

The meeting was held at Richmond House at the junction of Richmond Road and D'Aubigny Road. Cllr Pete West and a representative from the police were in attendance. A new committee (8 members in all) was elected with Kate R and Andrew stepping down. Subjects discussed included:

The police representative ( PC Chris Winrow) emphasized the importance of reporting all incidents of crime since there is a link between crime stats for an area and the resources which will be given to policing it. See the Minutes for a full record of the meeting.

Round Hill Community Meeting 10th November 2020

The Round Hill Society's 2020 AGM was held at 7.30 pm on Zoom. The meeting was very ably chaired by Kate W. who gave clear instructions on how to use the features on zoom e.g. for voting purposes, chat, etc. It lasted just over 90 minutes.

There were 25 participants including our local Councillor Pete West.

Dom reported on actions taken by Round Hill Green Spaces to install and maintain planters and to make progress with sites identified for greening, making pavement space safer and more pleasant for pedestrians.

There was also a presentation from representatives (notably Channy) of Brighton & Hove Mutual Aid, which is running initiatives across 34 neighbourhood areas of our city. This is a group of individuals helping each other during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can request or offer support. See Resources for Local Groups.

Consider joining the Covid 19 Mutual Aid Facebook Group covering the Round Hill area and the associated Whatsapp Group for volunteers only to share information.

Kate R. gave a concise round up of Round Hill Society events and initiatives since the 2019 AGM, including 2019 Advent Windows, Seasonal Singing, Clean It Up Dog Stencils, enhancing the 20MPH signs on Upper Lewes Road. She also mentioned food outlets which have been helpful during these difficult times including the Creperie and Ice Cream vans as well as Anna's Bakery, Shakti Stores and the Roundhill pub.

Kate W. mentioned the 2020 spring themed windows. Rob Stephenson described the initiative involving the naming of pavement plants as well as the Round Hill Society history trail. Rob also gained approval for The Round Hill Society to sponsor his membership of The Blue Plaque committee and renewed us as a group member of Brighton and Hove Heritage Commission.

Cllr Pete West appealed for volunteers to help with the School Streets Schemes involving Downs Infant and Junior Schools. These schemes temporarily restrict motor vehicle access to streets near school entrances during school opening and closing times.

The Round Hill Society Committee 2020-21 appears on this page. Rosi & Max have stepped down. Other existing members were reconfirmed in their posts. Summer D., Gary J and Ingrid R were elected as new committee members. Ingrid is The Round Hill Society's first student representative.

2006 - 2018 RHS AGMs

The following is a record of our AGMs from 2006 to 2018. 

The following links are to these annual autumn meetings:--

2018 ---2017---2016--2015---2014---2013---


In recent years, we have been using terms such as "get-together" and "community meeting" to provide reassurance that our annual Round Hill Society meetings are not formal listening sessions.

Round Hill Community Meeting 17th October 2018

See the minutes of for a full record of this meeting.

Round Hill Community Meeting 19th October 2017

It was encouraging to see the venue so well filled. We thank Pavilions too for hosting us at Richmond House free of charge. The recovery centre's manager, Libby Carter, made us very welcome. As well as locking up afterwards, she attended our meeting itself.

The meeting was well chaired by Annie Rimington and there were good contributions from other local residents.

Documentation on issues discussed:























We all got a better picture of residents' concerns about crime in our area in the absence of "Bonnie" our fantastic PCSO whose job was redefined with the result that she is no longer assigned to our area.

One resident reported the loss of 4 bicycles, 1 motorcycle and 1 kayak during the last ten years. Tyre slashing and vandalism to a police car were also mentioned, as well as instances of drug dealing and anti-social behaviour.

We were reminded too of the nuisance caused by the use of skips on the Centenary Industrial Estate in the early hours of the morning. Safety concerns included speeding cars in Wakefield Road and Princes Crescent and the lack of a pedestrian crossing in Upper Lewes Road for those departing from or accessing the foot of Wakefield Road. Doorstep / Phone / Internet scams were also mentioned.

If we can get something akin to a Neighbourhood Watch together, one model discussed would involve an effort to persuade two or three people in each of Round Hill's streets to act as street representatives - people who can be approached to log problems. There would probably need to be liaison with the people with the authority to solve the problems (e.g. local police team, environmental health office, universities, etc) and a monthly report back to the committee, though this kind of detail remains up for discussion.


The nuisances really arise from the Hollingdean facility being located in the wrong place. It was realised that closure would be an ambitious goal and that a target such as re-locating the processing of food waste may be the first priority, but further discussion is needed of campaign aims. It would be disappoiting if commercial and industrial waste was substituted for food waste since that might increase noise and the risks from fugitive particles. At the moment, the facility is only used for domestic waste. The points residents made about having realistic campaign goals were well made. 14 residents expressed interest in participating in a campaign.

Timing is important in most campaigns. Within a few months, the Carelet houses may be occupied. Their bijoux rear gardens are circa 26 metres from the Waste Transfer Station. In permitting the six new 3-storey homes, BHCC may have created the front line of a campaign to reduce pollution from Hollingdean Depot, so it is possible that the demand for reasonable living conditions in the vicinity of Hollingdean Depot will grow within the coming year.


On The Round Hill Community Group, 17 residents supported the option "Do not use herbicide at all but organise focussed community clean-up events to target problem areas (I will support these)". 10 residents supported "Use herbicide on all pavement & kerbside weeds". 5 residents supported "Do not use herbicide at all". We also took a vote at the meeting, to reach residents who were not members of the Facebook Group or had not voted on it. The preference for "non-use of herbicides, but weed removal through community clean-up events" was confirmed as the consensus view. Henry Thomas reminded those present that clean-ups did mean a few hours of solid work to result in adequate coverage of the neighbourhood, but could also be enjoyable.


The third point of focus on the agenda was suggestions for future community events. Both a cake competition and open gardens were talked about. Another suggestion was making more of the Street Play sessions when we already have a road closure and some other activities could be added. Although focused on kids, it is nice for adults to get involved as marshals and to use the pop-up cafe. 

As well as the continuation of Street Play sessions, the past year has seen advent calenders, carols to raise money for The Mayor's Charities, a very amusing dog show. In addition, residents operating outside of The Round Hill Society have organised a successful Jumble Trail and have started a Book Group. The first three book club meetings were with the authors present.

4 new committee members

We were delighted that some new residents came forward to take a place on our Round Hill Society committee - in one case to try out a meeting before deciding whether to proceed.


An overview of The Round Hill Society








































Round Hill Community Meeting 15th October 2016













We are very grateful to the staff at Pavilions for letting us use their building as a community venue on this occasion. One of the achievements of the past 12 months, involving several Round Hill residents (most non-committee members) has been the good relationship which has been formed with staff and users of Pavilions (Richmond House). The tidiness of the flower beds reflect a joint effort to make Richmond House and its surroundings more attractive.

The ground floor space made available for us was fine, and Lisa, speaking on behalf of Pavilons, provided an interesting summary of the many group meetings held at Richmond House in the course of every week. The Drug and Alcohol Recovery Centre has roughly 1000 service users from Brighton and Hove.  

Saturday did not prove the best choice of time for our AGM (the long list of Apologies confirmed this). Nevertheless, the planting of the rowan trees, the summer garden party, and several of the Play Streets which Kate has organised over the past year, have drawn good support, so we have not lost direction. 

A committee consisting of 10 members was elected.

We are grateful to Carol Hall who has now stepped down from the RHS committee. Carol has been our treasurer for a number of years. She has also campaigned effectively outside the RHS to address our neighbourhood's parking problems.

We are grateful also to Barbara Harris for assuming the role of Round Hill Society Treasurer.

We are pleased, however, to welcome two new committee members: Miriam Stephens (Richmond Road) and Peter Meakins (Round Hill Street).  Peter has served on our committee previously. We are glad to have both Miriam and Peter with us.      

Round Hill Community Meeting 29th September 2015

held at theTower Room,  Salvation Army Buildings, Rose Hill
(entrance about halfway down) - see google street view












  • Chairs welcome to residents and guests – outline of evening.
  • Approval of last years minutes.
  • Election of committee, including any nominations from floor (five executive posts and up to 8 other posts).
  • Future of Richmond House and Cranstouns – Wendy Taylor
  • Treasurer's Report – Carol Hall
  • Greening Round Hill and prizes presentations – Jan Curry
  • Playsafe report and future events – Kate Rice
  • Round Hill Environmental quality – Sandy Thomas
  • The Long Wall (bottom of Wakefield Rd) – Harry Brignull
  • Possible community garden space – Chris Paul. See photos of example provided by Stanford & Cleveland Community Garden
  • Crime summary – PCSO Bonnie Scovell
  • Other issues and events of last year – Rob Stephenson
  • Seeking the Society's approval to put forward a name to the Blue Plaque Panel.
  • Meeting must end by 9pm

However new you are to Round Hill, do contemplate joining us. You will meet a few more friendly neighbours immediately and may carve out a satisfying role in your new neighbourhood.

Round Hill Community Meeting 1st October 2014

The Downs Infants School on Ditchling Road hosted our meeting.

Ward Councillor, Pete West, was present to encourage us in or efforts, and responded constructively to ongoing and somewhat heated concerns such as the reliability of refuse & recycling  collections and the frequency of odour escapes from Hollingdean Depot. He took note of comments about missed collections made by residents to the SE of Round Hill; a special collection was made the next day and a request made to the road sweeper to follow up.

The turnout was sufficient to make the meeting useful - it lasted two and a half hours! There were younger as well as older participants and it was pleasing that a Sussex University student, who had only moved to Round Hill two weeks earlier, was both present and interested in what The Round Hill Society does for local residents. She confirmed that our neighbourhood has a good profile as one with some community spirit. This had influenced her decision to look for accommodation here.

See discussion on Students in our Community below

Procedural Business

Our Secretary, Rob Stephenson, approved the Minutes of the last AGM, presented the accounts (in lieu of our Treasurer who was unable to attend), and confirmed the election of 

The Round Hill Society Committee 2014-2015

As of 1st October 2014, the date of our most recent Annual General Meeting, we have 10 members.

We have vacancies for 2 more committee members. You do not need to be a committee member to volunteer help with most activities.

This year, we have decided to form Special Interest Groups to signpost existing activities (contact members in brackets) in which Round Hill residents are welcome to offer support to lend a hand / broaden their own experience / work together with neighbours.

  • 1. Community Events including PlaySafe (Boo, Cath & Kate)
  • 2. Planning and Conservation (Ted)
  • 3. Environmental issues (Sandy)
  • 4. Communications (Annie)

Presentations from committee members

[A report on this section will be written up when time allows]

  1. Playsafe/picnic - those involved in Community Events are planning regular PlaySafe sessions for 2014-15
  2. Richmond House - Annie reported on the dismissed appeal of the developer who had hoped to build a large block containing 138 student rooms. 
  3. Seasonal singing - Thursday 18th December was agreed as the date for Round Hill's 2014 carol singing. Our 2013 even raised £153.86 which was donated to Brighton Housing Trust's First Base Day Centre.
  4. Rubbish issues and tidy-up activity - Sandy reported on the high number of missed collections during recent weeks. Cllr West apologised for the shortcomings of the collection service experienced during the all-too-frequent periods of industrial action and noted the particular plight of residents living in the streets to the south of Round Hill beyond the Mayo Rd / Richmond Rd bollards.
  5. Waste Transfer Station - The level of industrial noise and frequency of odour escapes continue to have an unacceptable effect on the amenity of residents in Princes Road, part of Ditchling Rd (especially The Downs Infant School) and the lower part of Richmond Road. Cllr West responded to suggestions that the introduction of food waste collections and a radical reorganisation of the arrangements for dealing with the city's domestic waste should be considered. He explained that the current administration was locked into the long-term contract agreed and extended to 30 years by previous administrations which involves sending black bag waste (including food) for incineration at Newhaven. A separate food waste collection service would involve fortnightly collections of black bag waste with no guarantee that residents would actually separate their food waste from black bag waste. The Council already has schemes to encourage Brighton and Hove's residents to undertake small-scale composting of their food waste.
  6. Planters and Bike racks - these have proved popular. Planters need residents who are willing to keep an eye on them. It was noted that existing bike racks often contain bicycles which nobody seems to use.
  7. Reporter and website we talked about sharing the load by forming a communications sub-group. The Round Hill Community Yahoo Group will remain the vehicle open to all residents to communicate with one another. Content relevant to Round Hill and the facilities in surrounding areas &/or interests (such as local history, our flora & fauna, etc) is always welcomed for use in printed newsletter or on the website.  
  8. Crescent Rd and Belton Rd backland - Sally and Paul led the fight to prevent a developer from using to the new "permitted development" rule to gain the right to overdevelop the narrow strip of land between the terraces of the two Round Hill streets. Several residents from the surrounding area made their feelings known to ward Cllrs Ian Davey and Pete West as well as to Council officers. Sally, accompanied by her partner Paul and their new baby, explained the steps taken to ensure that a full planning application would now need to be presented. These efforts, including an approach to Planning Aid, have denied the developer an automatic right which would have gagged local residents by making normal grounds for objection (such as overdevelopment, loss of green space, privacy & overlooking) count for nothing.
  9. Lampposts Rob commented on the many lamp-post types we have in our conservation area and argued for the preservation of the traditional lamp-heads
  10. Policing Bonnie provided us with an update on crime in our area and offered support for any resident suffering nuisance (e.g. persistantly noisy neighbours  - she is willing to have a word when it becomes too difficult for a resident to make their own diplomatic approach)

Opportunities for those willing to give support

There are still a couple of vacancies on The Round Hill Society committee:

New committee members often like to start off "without portfolio", but members with established roles welcome opportunities both to pass on what they have learnt and to relinquish responsibilities to others so that there can be substitutes or replacements available to keep The Round Hill Society alive in the future.

Students in our community

Mark Woolford, University of Sussex Housing Officer, was unable to attend. Nevertheless, towards the end of the meeting we had a very interesting discussion in which students' concerns were represented. As well as airing the concerns of residents affected by noisy social gatherings late at night, we focused too on the high rents charged to our more temporary residents, the exploitation of short-term contracts (allowing these rents to be raised very frequently), and the poor conditions of some of the dwellings let to students.

Those at the meeting were therefore presented with a balanced picture of a neighbourhood from student as well as non-student perspectives. After highlighting the growing number of Houses of Multiple Occupation in Round Hill, we also reflected on the deal that students get in our neighbourhood.

It was noted that not all HMOs were occupied by students and that behaviour varies from considerate to inconsiderate within every social or occupational group.

It was admitted that there was a higher probability of noisy parties among the age group attending university in their late teens and early twenties.

Undoubtedly this affects the amenity of older residents who tend to be quieter. But there was thought-provoking reference to the choice of older residents to reside in a "student neighbourhood", which Round Hill is increasingly becoming.

Of course, all categories of resident can be adversely affected by having their sleep disturbed by inconsiderate neighbours. It was mentioned that students do not always get the best deal in a neighbourhood. They are probably more commonly the victims of petty burglary (theft of lap-tops, mobile phones etc) due partly to the poor security of some short-term lets. The lets also frequently have other shortcomings such as damp. Short-stay residents in overpriced lets can experience some of the worst living conditions in neighbourhoods like ours.

I left our AGM with the impression that there was probably more that the Round Hill Society could do to address the lot of students in our area, especially in relation to the poor condition of some of the buildings let to them.

We have filled 10 out of 12 places on our committee. In the past, we have had one student committee member. It would be very good if another student came forward to be a Round Hill Society committee member.

There is clearly scope for relations between student and non-student residents to be developed through the Community University Partnership Project from which The Round Hill Society has already received some funding. This is an area which our Committee would like to take forward.

Round Hill Community Meeting 17th October 2013

Our 2013 Annual General Meeting took place at Salvation Army, Park Crescent.

Election of new committee
The meeting was fairly well attended. Very encouraging was that 5 people came forward to join the 9 members who were re-elected to serve on our new committee.

Treasurer's Report
Carol Hall, our treasurer, distributed the accounts which showed a slight loss. This was dealt with last month by charging traders & those offering services for entries on the back of our printed magazine The Round Hill Reporter. It was the printing costs of the latter which were responsible for the shortfall. It is now operating a slight profit.

Police Community Support Officer's update
PCSO Bonnie Scovell (Police Community Support Officer 29349) reminded residents that 2013 had been marked by several burglaries in Round Hill. See her article advising on vigilance and good security on this website.

Chair's Annual Report
Our Chair, Annie Rimington, who continues in this role, gave a comprehensive annual report, mentioning the areas of activity which are also covered in the different sections of this website as well as our printed newsletters.

With previous years' street parties being subject to downpours of rain and this year's focus being community clean-ups rather than open gardens and table-top sales, I thought Annie might have found it a challenge to make the year's activities sound both substantial and fun.

However, the clean-ups have been fun for those who have taken part, overlapping into projects such as developing garden areas at Mayo Court and referencing key areas of the conservation area such as the frontage of Richmond House. The clean-ups are a timely demonstration that Round Hill residents value the character & appearance of their conservation area. Annie was able to detail sufficient activity during the past year to draw positive feedback from our ward Councillor Pete West whose portfolio relates closely to the street environment. Both he and ward Councillor Lizzie Dean attended the meeting and fielded questions from those present.

A large chunk of Annie's annual report focused on planning issues. These included permissions such as Carelet's 6 three-storey houses, Veolia's extended operating hours and proposals such as Sainsbury's wish to run its Internet delivery service late into the night (causing noise to nearby residents) and the major planning application involving the Richmond House site (which threatens D'Aubigny Road residents with its own noise breakout).

Annie also mentioned the issue of Round Hill's CPZ, which has probably brought the most change to our neighbourhood this year. She explained that The Round Hill Committee was itself divided on whether the area needed a residents' parking scheme, so The Round Hill Society held back from being the forum where this issue was discussed.

The campaign in favour of a Round Hill residents' parking scheme was waged outside of The Round Hill Society using its own website at together with an online petition to raise the 300 signatures needed before The Council would be willing to reconsult us. Debate (FOR & AGAINST) was conducted on The Round Hill Yahoo Website which also operates independently of The Round Hill Society. Enter "CPZ" into the search box on The Round Hill Yahoo Website to check residents' predictions against the reality.

Feedback on the CPZ
Of interest to all of us, including ward Councillors West & Dean, was feedback from those present on whether the CPZ had made an improvement.

Two very constructive comments, which can easily be acted on, emerged from this discussion:

1) The need to refrain from being so generous with the distribution of "permits per household" (which earn the Council extra revenue) that multiple car ownership is encouraged and parking difficulty returns to what it was before we prioritised residents' parking. It has always been recognised by Round Hill residents, especially those living in Richmond Road, that the highest pressure on limited legal/safe parking spaces was in the evenings. Failure to ensure that this limited resource is sufficiently rationed would mean that it is not being shared fairly among our own residents. Those penalised most of all through too generous allocation of permits per household would be residents return from work fairly late or who want to use the car for evening out in the knowledge that they won't need to park as far away as Hollingdean when they return. At any one time (averaging out over the day) only 7% of the UK's motor vehicles are in use; 93% are parked with many colonising urban open spaces.

Cllr West explained that the Council had a formula for deciding how generous to be with permit allocation which was based on the amount of spare capacity measured within a CPZ. It was useful in our densely populated neighbourhood that it was stated that these measurements should be based on peak periods of demands (i.e. the evenings).

2) The need for dedicated motor-cycle parking with racks or iron fittings concreted into the ground so that the motorbikes could be secured. There have been recent instances of motorbikes being stolen (lifted into vans) even though they may be locked, because they are unsecured. I lost my first moped in this way in the 1980s, but another Round Hill resident has just lost a far more expensive machine. Given the length of a more powerful motorbike, parking racks would probably need to be orientated in the same line as a car or van would park. Not only is it fair to cater for residents using motorcycles, but in doing so it solves the potential problem of vehicles being parked on footways or attached to handrails intended for those at risk of falling which can make it hard for pedestrians, especially the elderly and the visually impaired.

Further discussion: projects for the future
Reflecting on this AGM, the meeting was very "street-orientated".

street seating

However, there is clear value to projects such as provision of a bench or two to give those navigating Round Hill's steeply sloping streets some resting points e.g. a public place to chat with a neighbour. It was commented that quality public open space was almost non-existent in our neighbourhood. Less densely parked streets (let's hope that permit allocation is adjusted to secure this benefit) currently provides the opportunity for a few pedestrian improvements.

a regular Playstreet Event see video explaining project

Our committee has been reminded of the need to cater for all age groups. Reference was also made to the idea of a regular Playstreet Event, as operating in other neighbourhoods in our city and described on page 5 Issue 53 of the October 2013 Round Hill Reporter.

In the context of topical concerns such as the city's 20MPH limit consultation and teething problems relating to the Lewes Road transport scheme (these got a mention!), we were probably destined to talk a lot about transport and streets at this AGM.

Please let us have your ideas
Without diminishing the importance of traffic schemes and streets, it is clear that events & activities (such as street parties, open gardens, plant sales, reading groups) are needed to bind the community together.

Although next year's AGM may benefit from a talk or display referencing things more closely equated with "fun", it is encouraging that this year we have been able to elect such a full committee.

We hope that "fun ideas" will be contributed by all residents. Preserving & improving (indeed influencing) what we value within & around Round Hill will continue to provide a challenge. The public realm will not go away! The completion of The Level (and soon The Open Market) will probably improve it. Further development in & around London Road / Baker Street / Providence Place will provide interest as well as further change.

Round Hill Community Meeting 20th September 2012

Our 2012 Annual General Meeting took place at Salvation Army, Park Crescent [MAP]

Election of Committee
Of the 11 members from last year 8 stood again, with 3 stepping down. We thanked last year’s co-chair, Jean Brennan, for her active involvement as committee member, minutes secretary, chair and co-chair since joining the committee in 2003, and for the time and effort put in by both Jenny Teare and Emma Daniel.

Three new members came forward during the meeting: Cath Kronhamn (from Richmond Road), Sandy Thomas (from Roundhill Crescent), Penny Wright (also from Roundhill Crescent).

All were elected, the officers being the same as last year – Chair: Annie McCabe, Secretary: Rob Stephenson, Treasurer: Carol Hall. After the meeting another attendee, Shane J-Franks, also offered his services. Link to List of Committee Members from 20 Sep 2012.

Treasurer's Report Carol presented the Annual Accounts and Cllr Pete West asked about the security of the CUPP (Community University Partnership Project) money, and was given a positive answer. The year started with £4588.03 and ended with £4324.43, and the separate CUPP fund started with £1982.43 and saw £448 spent during the year, leaving a sum of £1534.43.

101 Before launching into The Chair’s Annual Report, Annie called upon Bonnie, our Police Community Support Officer to speak about the non-emergency 101 number
We should use the 101 telephone number to report all non-emergency criminal events as it helps build a clear pattern that the police can use to better understand criminal activity.

Chair’s Annual Report The RHS exists to promote community cohesion and neighbourliness, the committee meets regularly, often with Cllr Pete West and PCSO Bonnie Scovell, to consider issues and plan activities.

Last year saw another seasonal singing event, which raised £170 for The Martlets Hospice, lots of residents came to their doors to see and hear the singers, who finished in the Round Hill for mulled wine.

The increase in window decorations, especially in Belton Road, was noted and enjoyed.

The newsletter went out 4 times as usual, and the Yahoo e-mail group is increasingly used to seek help or flag up issues. The website is popular, both locally and even with people looking to move into the area. This year Ted has added a section on help and services for older residents.

The brand new Twitter account, set up by Boo and Cath, can only add to the flow of connectivity.

Two new initiatives this year, both arising from the Community University Partnership Project, are the idea of Young Reporters – involving younger folk on the hill in contributing to the Reporter with stories, reports and pictures of things that have caught their interest in Round Hill. The second is the idea of a short video celebrating Round Hill and pointing up local issues.

There was no street party this year – two years of wet events dampened the enthusiasm of your committee, but we’ll try again if new people come to support it.

We have been involved in several consultations, on Lewes Road, The Level, local planning applications and our regular input to the Conservation Advisory Group to the planning sub-committee.

The Waste trasfer station has occupied our thoughts and nostrils frequently over (the warmer parts of ) the year, and we hope that the proposed new ultra violet lamps and fan system will be more effective at destroying odour than the water mist system, though both are hampered by the hugely leaky building.

Controlled Parking is up for consultation this autumn, and perhaps the mood is more in favour of it now that neighbouring areas have adopted it.

The Community University Partnership Project report highlighted the 8 main issues of residents (the 100 who submitted completed questionnaires, a 10% return, and good by the standards applying to consultation processes).

Clean-up Weekend: 6th and 7th October 2012 Please help to publicise this event: click HERE or on the picture (below) for larger copy (Rich Text File) of the publicity poster.
Big Clean Up
In response to one of the main community concerns identified by the CUPP project, The Round Hill Society with help from City Clean is staging a Clean-up Weekend in which we ask residents to take some direct action to show that we care about the appearance of our neighbourhood.

City Clean have agreed to supply staff, kit and a vehicle to remove collected rubbish/ hedge cuttings etc.

There was some discussion about poor refuse and recycling put-outs, and Annie said that City Clean have offered to supply leaflets explaining about refuse and recycling put-outs, proper sorting, and availability of boxes and bins. Blocked gutter drains will also be cleaned and graffiti removed by the City team. Volunteers were sought, and several came forward.

John, our street sweeper, was mentioned as a good guy, and someone we should cultivate and value. Big bins were discussed as a possible partial solution to rubbish blowing about the streets, but location seemed the biggest issue – nobody wants them outside their home, and regular emptying is important if they are not to become rubbish attractants. Cllr West explained that the big bins in Park Crescent Terrace are part of a pilot for the Triangle, and a consultation is due to start there on expanding their use – probably locating them along Lewes and Upper Lewes Roads as the streets themselves are too narrow for the service vehicles to operate.

2012 AGM Presentations
Heritage Lottery 'Parks for People'
funded Improvements on the Level
The first presentation was on the programme of improvements in progress on the Level. Linda Anglin and Claire Morgan (from Brighton and Hove City Council) were present to tell us about the timetable of works to be carried out, and offer us opportunites to get more involved in how the Level is used in the future.

They first summarised the history of seeking Heritage Lottery Funding to act as core of the re-vamp of the Level. £2.2m has been secured and plans finally agreed, the work is going out to tender now, and the Level (excluding the periferal walkways/cycleways and embracing grass and tree strips) will be closed from next month until summer 2013 for works including new skatepark, new café, new play area and paddling pool/ water feature, rosewalk (with more than roses, to give year-round interest), and newly seeded northern grass areas with softer paths, new lighting and art installation. The Level
We were invited to get involved through a variety of projects including a history, natural environment, and horticulture. There will be a room available for community groups to hire, a full time park manager and they hope the café will be open in the evening. The Level
Residents who wish to find out more are invited to an open day event (with cake) on Tuesday 25th Sept 2012 at Phoenix Gallery, 6 to 8pm (download leaflet) and a ‘Friends of the Level’ meeting takes place at 7pm the same day at the Phoenix Community centre, just behind the Gallery.
The Level
Click here for info on The Level Restoration project and here for history & heritage events on Brighton and Hove City Council's website.

Forthcoming Events
History of The Level Saturday 29 September 10am - 4pm
Memory Day

bring and show us your memories of The Level at the Local History Centre, Brighton Museum. Download publicity poster.
History of The Level Thursdays 11 & 18 Oct & 8 Nov at 1 - 3pm
History Sessions
- free training with an experienced local historian to explore past events and activities on The Level. Venue: the Local History Centre at the Booth Museum. Book now! Download publicity poster.

Pages from The Council's website:
Final Masterplan for The Level

The Level - Final Master Plan and Next Steps

Get involved on The Level

Lewes Road Sustainable Transport Fund Project, and Personal Travel Planning Travel
This Scheme has already made a range of streetscape changes to the Lewes Road near Round Hill, and is now exploring ways of affecting our choices in travelling. You may have had their reps on your doorstep already.

There is a short piece by Simon Hickmott of Brighton and Hove City Council's Travel Planning Team in the Sep 2012 issue of our printed magazine, 'The Round Hill Reporter'.

Simon Hickmott attended our AGM in person to update Round Hill residents on the various works being planned and carried out with money won from a Governemnt pot on the Lewes Road from the Level to Falmer.

The works include:

[1] clearing away old signage, adding new seats and planters, rationalising the number of crossing points south of the Gyratory, and adding a new one near Cockroft Building.

[2] building new cyclelanes and paths at the Coldean to Falmer section, and reducing the dual carriageway section beyond the Gyratory to one lane plus a bus lane and a bike lane, and some detailed improvements to the Gyratory itself, which should make it safer for cyclists.

Simon’s particular role is Personalised Travel Planning i.e. trying to change the way we travel, helping residents to reduce car trips, and increase walking, bus and cycling trips.

Travel To this end every door in Round Hill (and another 25000 doors inside the Lewes Road Travel area) is being knocked in an attempt to discuss modes of travel with residents.

This engagement package covers issues such as the £3m local NHS budget spent on ailments caused by lack of exercise, reflection on personal travel choices, use of new Key Cards on the buses, handing out new bus timetables, and even offering gifts in exchange for completing travel diaries.

Simon is particularly keen to know how the City can help us make changes towards sustainability, and invited us to come up with ideas – perhaps workshops on maintaining a cycle, some one-to-one cycle support to help us use our bikes more, perhaps help in selecting the right bike, with an opportunity to try out a few. Maybe supporting a short-term road closure for play, such as happened in Hanover last weekend, or some cycle training for small children.

He told us that the most popular gifts for completing a travel diary in the Round Hill area were, first with 40% - kit relating to bikes, and equal second and third, at 20%, were a one week bus pass and Eco-driver training.

After his presentation discussion included the hazard of cycling on the Gyratory, the CPZ consultation and the possible anti-CPZ effect of the student vote in the area, and the need to ensure young children playing in the area know about avoiding cycling into the road without looking. Annie drew our attention to the fact that daily users of the Lewes Road are typically 35,000 bus trips, 18,500 car trips and 1500 cycle trips– in other words cars constitute half the total trips along the Lewes Road. Several people offered to complete Travel Diaries.

Forthcoming Event:

Sunday 23 September Breaking Away - free film event 3pm at Hollingdean Community Centre, Thompson Road. Come along on the day. Buddy Bikers presents the 1979 Oscar winning film for best screenplay. Breaking Away is a witty film about a teen cycling enthusiast. Come along to this free event and meet our personal travel planning team, see an electric bike demonstration and get advice from our bike mechanic. Light refreshments provided.

Any Other Business
The assembly voted to approve the Young Reporters idea and the short video film. We agreed to offer our Seasonal Singing collection to the Martlets again this year.

We also discussed the possibility of supporting the establishment of a Local Action Team for an area bigger than just Round hill, perhaps the Lewes Road.

Maureen from the Triangle, where the idea had been turned down some time ago, said it would have to be a bigger area to avoid direct competition with existing community groups, and hopefully not requiring monthly attendance of meetings.

Cllr West noted that each LAT is different, and perhaps we should invite a Council Officer working on LATS (Community Safety) to attend our next Committee Meeting. Cllr West later agreed that the Council takes LATS more seriously than community groups, because their meetings are always public, and they draw from a wider section of the local community.

The meeting closed at 9.22pm.
Thank you to Rob Stephenson for providing the detailed notes from which the above report has been drawn.

Round Hill Community Meeting 20th September 2011

7.30pm at the Roundhill Tavern, 100 Ditchling Road

Attendance at our Annual meetings has
been falling over recent years, and the cost
of hiring the hall at Downs Infants School
has been rising, so we are trying something
different this year.

The meeting will take place upstairs at the
recently refurbished Round Hill Tavern at
Roundhill Tavern


7.30: Chairs’ welcome – outline of evening

Election of committee members – including nominations from the floor. Thanks to departing members and welcome to the new.

Treasurer’s Report.

Report from the Chairs, and opportunity for discussion and raising issues

8.15 pm: Presentation by Councillor(s) on local events likely to affect us in the coming year.

8.45 pm: Break for drinks and food

9 pm: An entertainment by The Cocktail Party

9.45 pm: Meeting ends, or continues downstairs.

The Roundhill Tavern has a good choice of beers, an excellent wine list, and hopefully will have some interesting nibbles for us.

There is room for 30 people to sit, and the
formal business of reporting the year's
activities and electing a new committee
will be dealt with briskly so that we can be
entertained by witty songs and classic
covers of local trio Cocktail Party.

If you'd like to be part of the Round Hill
Society committee we would be delighted
to hear from you before the meeting, just
contact one of the existing committee,
listed on the back of this issue.

It seems that Mayo Court residents are
setting up an association, and we hope to
welcome Deborah French from Mayo Court
onto our committee.

Round Hill Community Meeting September 2010

In 2010, we decided to hold our AGM in mid-September, two months earlier than in most previous years. This was to encourage more of you to come out in what will still be daylight, and have a drink with us, join in the brief procedures that an AGM requires and participate in the discussions around this year's theme:
Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation.
We have invited representatives from two community energy reduction groups: [1] Steyning 10:10 and [2] Hollingdean 10:10.

Both these groups have pledged to reduce their carbon footprints by 10% in 2010.

In these times of low interest rates, photovoltaics and solar hot water may offer a better place for some of your pension pot than traditional savings. A 7% return for the next 25 years, plus an improved selling price on your home - is there a downside? Attend and learn.

Volunteer for The RH Society's Committee
And if you are gaining some free time please consider volunteering for the Committee, to help respond to events and plan others.

AGM minutes written on tea cup

Round Hill Community Meeting 2009

We showed a short film, put together by Ted Power, entitled The Round Hill Year, covering the impact of Hollingdean Depot, snow scenes and the long-running saga of attempts to preserve our Conservation Area's historic lamp posts. We also discussed a variety of local issues, including the future of London Road, with our ward Councillor, Keith Taylor.

Round Hill Community Meeting 2008

agm 2008

There was quite a good turnout for our first September AGM. Bringing the meeting forward to part of the year when temperatures are warmer and evenings are lighter, appeared to pay dividends.

We were short of two speakers. Sergeant Belfield did not appear, though police sergeants always have to prioritize and social duties often come second to front-line duties.

Graham Osborne, the Warm Front Officer from Brighton and Hove City Council, is recovering from a broken leg sustained in a cycling accident. The meeting wished him a speedy recovery.

Chris Todd, whose brief (WHAT WE CAN DO TO CONSERVE ENERGY AND CUT OUR FUEL BILLS) was to follow-up on Graham Osborne's theme, did speak.

Rob Stephenson obliged by setting the context for Chris's address (in Graham Osborne'e absence) and Chris used a bagful of home insulation products, which he reviewed for their effectiveness, as the organising thread for his talk.

agm 2008

One of the most pleasing results of the AGM was filling the vacant places on the Round Hill Society's Committee. Four residents came forward. Carol (Princes Rd), Mandy and Djan (Princes Crescent) and Annie (D'Aubigny Road) will now join the other seven members of our Committee.

We also welcomed our local Councillor Keith Taylor and residents from neighbouring associations (Triangle Community Group and Sylvan Hall) to the AGM.

Keith Taylor made a written note of residents' concerns, which he offered to pursue.

The Sylvan Hall residents explained why the idea of the Pocket Park, while well-intended in principle, would not work on part of their estate, and most of those present at the meeting accepted that the location was unsuitable and would lead to problems. Drug-dealing at night and disturbance through noise were two of the main concerns.

Discussion also centred around the application by Lewes Rd Sainsburys for relaxation of restrictions on the hours when they take deliveries to their store. The out-of-hours disturbance involved in this proposal (6.00 am to midnight most days and until 2 am on Fridays) seemed quite unreasonable. Annie Rimington made reference to the types of noise which residents in D'Aubigny Road were already subjected to.

Interest also focused on the future of The Victoria Pub, though Rob Stephenson has now learnt from Fleurets that the pub has been purchased by a developer. There had been a local person keen to open The Victoria as a pub with food, but after doing his sums, he decided just recently that it was not viable. Another buyer has surfaced, offering around £200,000 and been accepted. Not a pub person, but a developer.

Other sites where development is threatened &/or proposed (part of Round Hill's main green ribbon in Ashdown Road and Carelet's greenfield site alongside the railway corridor/designated greeneway and to the rear of Princes Road) were also talked about. A list was drawn up of local residents willing to participate in photo calls, which are part and parcel of opposing unsuitable development proposals.

The Round Hill Society's Chair, Jean Brennan, gave a summary of RHS events held during the past year, mentioning the Table Sale, the Carol Singing (which raised £150), the Wine Tasting event and the Harveys brewery visit .

It was decided that this year's charity for the proceeds of carol-singing would be MacMillan Cancer Care.

Concern was also voiced about the cost of The Round Hill Reporter, which operates at a slight lost. It was agreed that the newsletter played an important part (community cement) and that we should use an event or invite occasional donations to support it.

Round Hill Community Meeting Tuesday 20th November 2007

at The Downs Infant School.

agm 2007

A small, but select number of participants attended The Downs Infant School on the dark evening of 20 November, which had been a fairly wet and dismal day.

In response to the low turn-out, the Meeting voted to consider scheduling The Round Hill Society's next AGM for a month in 2008 when evenings were lighter and when weather conditions were likely to be more favourable.

Our Chair, Rob Stephenson, who will assume the Committee role of Secretary, gave a brief summary of the year's activities and events, referring as well to planning issues (from Carelet to Controlled Parking Zones) and efforts of local residents who had crossed Continents to raise money for charity. Much of the above is already documented on this website. Our Treasurer, Paul Thompson, reported in excess of one thousand pounds (not pennies!) in the kitty. Rob then introduced PC Daniel Jewell, our guest speaker this year, as well as our Neighbourhood Specialist Constable.

Law and Order in Round Hill
PC Daniel Jewell from Sussex Police quickly impressed us with his understanding and awareness of the types of lawlessness which most trouble Round Hill residents, even though his beat was far larger than our area.

agm 2007

PC Jewell explained how, on Fridays and Saturdays especially, police resources get sucked into areas in the city (London Road, Lewes Rd, The Level) where incidents of lawlessness were both more serious and more frequent. He acknowledged that prioritizing in this way, had led to communities like Round Hill feeling that our needs were being ignored, and residents concluding that they would not get much response if they called the police out to what might be (in comparative terms) a relatively minor, yet still disturbing incident.

In order to address the public's perception that policing within quieter suburbs like Round Hill was being neglected, Sussex Police has established several points of contact. They also invite us to participate in a model of policing which they describe as "community-led".

This does not mean that they want residents to act as vigilantes using strong-arm tactics to police ourselves, but it does mean being vigilant and reporting incidents of lawlessness, so that Sussex Police are fully informed about what is going on, and can take prompt and effective action to cut anti-social behaviour off at the bud.

Contacting Sussex Police
For all non-emergency calls dial 0845 60 70 999 - Only in the event of an emergency dial 999. Please note that all calls are recorded for policing purposes.

The above two numbers should always be used to report any new crimes or incidents.

Contacting PC Daniel Jewell, our neighbourhood specialist constable, specifically
If you'd like to leave PC Jewell a message regarding an existing matter or pass on information you can do so either by calling 0845 60 70 999 Extension:17849 or emailing.

To email PC Daniel Jewell, you will need to go through Sussex Police's website, entering a Round Hill postcode (e.g. your own!) and then clicking on the link where PC Daniel Jewell is profiled (near the bottom of the page, just above Kelly Joel).

An email may be better in circumstances which do not justify a direct call-out, but where you feel the police ought to keep a log of a problem in the area, which they otherwise might not know about or might believe to be happening on a lesser scale than it actually is. Our thoroughness in reporting these incidents, will therefore correlate with the quality of policing we get.

What Round Hill residents can do to help Sussex Police and themselves
PC Jewell reported success among Sussex Police in reducing crime locally, though there were measures which local residents could take to help this reassuring trend to continue.

Digital photos (taken by members of the public) of lawlessness or suspicious behaviour, can make it easier for the police to act.

Below: "the usual suspects seen at Round Hill Society AGMs"


PC Jewell told us that rounding up ring-leaders was often an effective solution. Also, removing graffiti at once (he suggested that we contacted CityClean to help us in this event) would stop the problem spreading - existing graffiti apparently challenges other graffiti artists to try to better it.

As well as bringing his truncheon and canister of disabling spray to the Meeting, PC Jewell came armed with the contents of a useful publicity stall:
(a) ultra violet marker pens - Sussex Police recover a considerable quantity of stolen goods, but have less success in identifying the owners
(b) crime prevention stickers - e.g. stating that cars contain no valuables or alerting the police to the presence of young drivers in cars which are not normally driven by people under 25 years old
(c) leaflets on home security, bogus callers and how to set up a Neighbourhood Watch.

agm stall

PC Jewell declared himself to be a believer in Neighbourhood Watch Schemes, and sounded out the Meeting's interest in them, resulting in several raised hands. However, he also observed that Neighbourhood Watch Schemes were usually organised around single or small numbers of streets.

The Round Hill Society's Committee would conclude from this that Round Hill, with approximately 1000 households, would need three or four such schemes e.g. 1) Princes Rd, Crescent Rd and Mayo Rd 2) small part Ditchling Rd, Princes Crescent, Round Hill Street, Belton Rd area, Wakefield Rd 3) Richmond Rd, D'Aubigny Rd, Ashdown Rd 4) Round Hill Crescent, small part of Upper Lewes Rd.

Committee positions vacant
New members of the committee are most welcome. We have received nominations for eight of the ten posts. We would be happy to hear from other residents who would like to join the committee. One person at the Meeting expressed interest in possibly putting herself forward for the new role covering sustainability issues.

New Committee post to cover sustainability issues

This role will include attendance at Meetings of Brighton and Hove City Council's Sustainability Commission, which are held at two-monthly intervals. Please note that these meetings will be held at Brighton Town Hall on Wednesdays, the next three being at 5pm on 9 January 2008, 12 March 2008, and 30 April 2008. See The Council's website for previous agendas and Minutes.

The Round Hill Society would also like a report back on the progress of local groups such as Transition Brighton and Hove, which are attempting to raise awareness of (1) the scale of the challenge posed by Climate Change and (2) the steps which local residents, businesses, community institutions, developers and planners can take to reduce Brighton and Hove's carbon footprint.

What does being a Committee Member involve?

We meet on a monthly basis to discuss issues relating to the Round Hill area and to plan activities.

If you would like to play a role on the committee for the next twelve months or would like more information on what is involved, please call our secretary, David Guest, on 699476 or e-mail:

Round Hill Community Meeting 21st November 2006

The following is a summary of the Open Market traders' regeneration plans, as presented at our meeting.

The description of the plans by Pat Mears, one of the traders closely involved in the regeneration of our Open Market, took everybody by surprise.

We were amazed to see how far the plans had progressed and were greatly encouraged by what they contained.

artists impression

The above picture is an artist’s impression of the main area of Brighton’s proposed Open Market. The roof will be made of metal and glass. There have been slight modifications. The triangular struts will not begin at floor level. There will be pillars first and then struts, beginning higher up, so that people do not knock their heads.

Come and see these detailed plans

The plans can be seen at Brighton Library between 10am and 8pm on 7th, 8th and 9th December.

Much more impressive than local residents expected

Draft proposals for Brighton’s new Open Market, which now involves a £11 million revamp, have included provision for 56 permanent market stalls, 58 art and craft workshops, a café and 26 one, two and three-bedroom flats (40% of which will be affordable).

Researched by market traders and designed by an award-winning architect

Several of the existing market traders have studied successful markets in other parts of the UK. Their experience and research has now been incorporated into a complete plan, drawn up by Lomax Cassidy Edwards, the architects behind Brighton’s £14 million, award-winning Jubilee Library. Inspiration has also been taken from Study of old Spitalfields Market and Borough Market in Southwark near the banks of The Thames.

Description of the proposal for Brighton

Brighton's proposed Open Market consists of a square (large rectangle) stretching from London Road to Ditchling Road. The square will be an open thoroughfare – 24 hours per day. The only closing-time will be on 1 day per year by law to allow the space to be put to another community use. There will be roller shutters on every property to provide security. The closing time of each stall will largely up to individual traders.

French markets, Farmers’ markets, Craft Fairs & educational events

There will be room for regular events such as French markets, Farmers’ markets, Craft Fairs and Educational activities such as cookery lessons.

Local concept catering for local needs

The general concept is “North Laine with a roof on it”, so when it is raining people will still come. It is anticipated that some of the enterprises which can no longer afford North Laine rents will be attracted to the new Open Market, though food stores will still be especially well represented. It is hoped that the market will be able to supply shoppers planning an elaborate dinner party, while still serving customers on lower incomes looking for nutritious food. Priority will be given to local enterprise (not multi-national chains). A local delivery scheme could also be considered.

Much improved accommodation

All stalls will be 3M x 6M, one foot wider and 4 to 5 ft deeper than existing stalls.

The floor in the centre of the market hall will be strong enough to put the occasional vehicle e.g. there is a French market trader who bakes bread within his lorry. There will also be access at both London Rd and Ditcling Rd ends for fire engines and ambulances.

The market will have a 1st floor, but only on one side, so there will be a balcony overlooking the main hall.

Enabling development and free Park & Ride

There will be houses and flats in Francis street and 48 dwellings above the market to assist in enabling the development. There will be limited parking with provision for a disabled parking bay (6 spaces). Consideration is being given to a Park and Ride (paid for by the Open Market) running in a large loop from Race Hill to London Road.

More space for traders & workshops than anticipated

The upper storey was to include workshops for the University of Brighton, though now that the university is wants to have these on the site of the wholesale market in Circus Street , there is space for extra traders. A lot of people have shown interest; barbers, organic butchers, bistros (open in the evening), arts & crafts workshops.

Flexible workshops, but no room for junk

There would be space for somebody who wanted a print and design workshop, a nail-polishing stall and even perhaps a local solicitor’s office. However, they would resist any trader who was selling anything too inferior in order not to invite people who merely want to offload junk.

When will this come about?

The plans are shorty to go before the Council’s Policy and Resources Committee.
The planning application will be put before Brighton and Hove City Council after Christmas. If it gets approval, construction will start in March. The plan is first to build the flats and houses on the south side (i.e. Francis Street). This will take 9 months. It will take a further 6 months to complete the new market.

What is the wider plan for the London Road area?

Plans for the Open Market fit into the Council’s effort to regenerate the London Road and Lewes Road corridors. The market hopes to lead the revival of the area. Traders hope that their plans contain sufficient promise to tempt a large department store to locate itself in London Road. It is rumoured that a well-known name is already interested.

What will happen first?

Local residents will notice several changes in 2007. The Coop Department Store in London Road will close in February, though its food outlet and the adjoining Post Office (at the west end of Baker Street) will proably remain open until August.

Will we still have a post office in the area?

The market traders would like to see a new post office sited at the east side of the new Open Market near the bus stop serving the market at the foot of Ditchling Road opposite the Level.

What are the priorities for the area and is the Open Market high up on the list?

Traffic management poses a key challenge in the London Road and Ditchling Road areas, though the need for attractive community space is also recognised. The market traders have their own money (on top of the £11 million fund) to invest in the success of the proposed scheme. They have attended to details such as rubbish compactor units, recycling units, security and emergency access. They are fairly confident that planning permission will be granted for their carefully thought out proposal.

This page was last updated by Ted on 01-Dec-2024
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