Gardens & wildlife

Round Hill Reporter

The Round Hill Reporter is the quarterly newsletter of the Round Hill Society, now delivered to all homes in the Round Hill conservation area.

Latest edition
Issue 94           Summer 2024

Round Hill Bus Stop Pocket Park Gets Funding, Round Hill Crime Update, Community speed watch and neighbourhood watch, The Cats Creep will not be sprayed with glyphosate, Threat to Ditchling Beacon 79 Bus Route, General Election Candidates 4th July 2024, Community Group of the quarter: The Brighton Yoga Foundation,Events and what's on section, Useful contacts and committee details

      Click on the links below for PDF versions of past editions of the newsletter.

The Round Hill Reporter 2000-2010, a quarterly newsletter reporting events and reflections on life on a hill overlooking the sea in Brighton
Bound volume of the first ten yearsYou can also purchase the omnibus edition - a bound copy of the first 40 issues, published to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Round Hill Society.

Purchase omnibus edition from

1. February 2000
  Litter clearance, Social evenings, Description of the area, Round Hill 100 years ago, Crime and local police
2. May 2000
  Planning restrictions, Traffic Management survey, Community grants, Round Hill document archive, CAAG
3. September 2000
  Further traffic data, street party report and photographs
4. December 2000
  Changes to planning rules, city waste collection, history group, window boxes and planters, new committee members, AGM report, John Bailey Haynes memorial
5. March 2001
  Round Hill in bloom, carols and candles, new website, urban wildlife project
6. June 2001
  Problems with planning permission, Ninelives project, documents in the Round Hill archive, report on manufacture of planters for the area, rural Round Hill
7. October 2001
  History group news, rooflights and planning permission, news on traffic survey, wildlife, garden party
8. March 2002
  Belton Road development proposals, carols and candles, forthcoming history book, proposed road closure
9. August 2002
  Continued historical research, street party report, contrasting planning decisions, wildlife gardening, Belton windmill, Cat Creep orchard
10. December 2002
  Membership changes, AGM report, graffiti, Neighbourhood Network, activities for children, first impressions of the area, Healthy City status
11. March 2003
  Post office closure, bin slimming, planning in conservation areas, the cat creep, community policing, home security, elm felling, reading group, proposed car park
12. June 2003
  Crime statistics, Brighton Morris Men, Real Nappy Week, history walk, Preston Park changes, questionnaire, Bartoli's, open houses, smallpox, Living Streets
13. September 2003
  Road closure confirmed, refuse and recycling, halloween, fledging wildlife, Regeneration Partnership
14. December 2003
  Free calendar, proposed car club, dog fouling, survey results, history group update, Neighbourhood networks update
15. March 2004
  Carolling report, Mahendra Agnihotri, garden notes, new elm trees, traffic increase, road closure completed, the smart house, lamp posts
16. June 2004
  Crime figures, swifts, transport plan, history quiz, cat creep maintenance, Mayo Court windows
17. September 2004
  Third street party, proposed development on Princes Road (first Carelet application), living in Belton Close, solar panels, Tower windmill, community e-mail list, reading group report
18. December 2004
  Update on Carelet 1, one-way proposals for Wakefield Road, composter trial, squirrels, wildlife-friendly gardens, South Downs campaign, solar panels update, AGM update
19. March 2005
  Carelet 1 refused, City Car Club and parking, chaffinches, birdwatch, anti-social behaviour, history group book launch, car crime
20. June 2005
  Migratory birds, Carelet 1 appeal, garden ponds, e-mail tales, Dump the Dump campaign, new website, massage school, double parking
21. September 2005
  Open gardens report, spiders, proposed waste facility, cat shootings, architecture quiz, Carelet 2 proposals, pedestrian crossings
22. December 2005
  Double yellow lines, robins, solar eclipse, walking, Carelet 2 parking issues, giclee prints
23. March 2006
  Carelet 2 refused, cat creep development proposed, Open Market, squirrels, open houses, Triangle group launched, waste depot proposals
24. June 2006
  Green ribbon development, butterflies, pedestrian crossing refused, questionnaire results, i360 proposals, crime and security
25. September 2006
  Carelet 3, open gardens report, Round Hill Crescent development proposals, cat creep development refused
26. December 2006
  Open market plans, Local Plan, bedding down for winter, Wakefield Road stables, LR2 regeneration
27. March 2007
  Reading group award, Esso site proposals, parking issues, frogs, bronze age burial
28. June 2007
  Cat shootings, sundials, bees, table sale, urban characterisation, history walks, community news, bungaroosh
29. September 2007
  Greenfield spaces, city statistics, national park update, what requires planning permission?, writing workshops
30. December 2007
  Table sale, Getafix cycles, bat and trap on the level, wildlife photography, AGM report, editing a newsletter
31. March 2008
  Carelet 4, transition neighbourhood, sparrowhawks, acupuncture, community policing, festival news
32. June 2008
  London Road proposals, pocket park, open market update, solar debate, wine-tasting, honeysuckles
33. September 2008
  Ashdown Road development proposals, brewery tour, James Gray, pocket park responses, worms, lost cats, local pubs
34. December 2008
  Lamp posts, AGM report, car cub, Ashdown Road commercial activity, night deliveries, national park postcards, book review
35. March 2009
  Victoria redevelopment, Ashdown Road, conservation volunteering, locally-grown produce, trees, sharing the streets
36. June 2009
  Street picnic party, Carelet's fifth proposal, London Road consultation, National Garden Scheme, acupuncture
37. September 2009
  Carelet's final application approved, Street party report, Ashdown Road changes, Garden report
38. December 2009
  Christmas carol singing, local action on traffic, waste facility concerns, urban shepherds, Wild Park walk
39. March 2010
  Snow and ice, Carelet 6, Erosion of green spaces, Waste strategy, Ashdown Road decision
40. June 2010
  RHS 10th anniversary, open gardens, letter from Copenhagen, recycling
41. September 2010
  Street party, Waste transfer station, Studentification, parking survey
42. December 2010
  Carol singing, Street party, Greetings cards, Sainsbury's application, B & H Quiz, Parking in RH after implementation of neighbouring CPZ
43. March 2011
  CUPP project, Carelet Appeal Rejected, Revisiting residents' parking, Street party plans, Redesign of The Level, Voting system, Handling rubbish & The Waste Forum, Creating a wildlife garden
44. June 2011
  Street Party publicity, Open gardens, Roundhill Tavern Revamp, Crime statistics for RH, Vivien E. - Sheep Lookerer
45. September 2011
  AGM publicity, Open Gardens, Lewes Rd improvements, Street Party report, RH Christmas cards, Aerial view of RH in the 1970s, Surveying RH
46. December 2011
  Seasonal Singing, Monkeys & Roundhill Road, Seasonal Window Dressing, Reeking Rubbish, Water Warning, Round Hill AGM, Nearby Planning Proposals
47. March 2012
  Round Hill Questionnaire, Road Rage in Wakefield Rd, Seasonal Singing report & Window Decorations, Car Club update, Veolia News, Nature Notes, Support for Older People webpage, Round Hill Reading Group
47b. Round Hill Community Survey 2012
48. June 2012
  Round Hill Research Results, Top Concerns, Seeking help in planning community events, Green Pages, Tackling Traffic Issues, Tips for Householders in Emergencies, Garden Gadabout, Community Transport
49. September 2012
  Round Hill AGM, Level Improvements, Harveys Brewery Trip, Brighton Early Music Festival, Community Clean-up, Lewes Road Environmental Improvements and Personal Travel Plans, Bus up to the Downs
50. December 2012
  Round Hill Seasonal Singing, Sunnyside, Veolia Update, LATs, Gardening Club, Bins, Young Reporters on RH Community Clean-up, Reports on Harveys Brewery Trip & RHS AGM
51. March 2013
  Community Clean-up 13 Apr 2013, Young Repoters talk to our own Community Police Officer, Seasonal Singing, Weekend Working at the Waste Plant?, Round Hill Controlled Parking, Doctor Bike Surgery, Car Park Fete plans for early summer
52. June 2013
  Richmond House & Carelet planning outcomes, History Project about The Level, A Student Voice, Burglaries, PVC Windows Rejected, New Rules for Rented Homes, Eco Open Houses, Ideas for Future Clean-ups, Trekking for Medical Research, From Rosehill to Roundhill continued.
53. October 2013
  October Clean up and AGM, Reminiscences over 62 years in the neighbourhood, Sparrowhawk in Roundhill Crescent, Greeting new students, Mayo Court Gardening Project, BP Garage Eyesore, Love Your Lampposts, Planters as a Gateway to Round Hill.
54. December 2013
  seasonal singing, Brighton and Hove Older People's Council, website changes, lost branches and new hedges, short story: cunning as a fox, Richmond House: second application fails, reports on October Clean-up and the Round Hill Society's AGM.
55. March 2014
  plans for RHS June picnic, The Keep historical records centre, History from a house in Round Hill Crescent, Richmond D'Aubigny & Lennox Roads, A journey with a Book Group, Fair Trade Fortnight.
56. June 2014
  publicity for summer playtime / picnic / party, new planters - a gateway to Round Hill, celebrating The new Level, the need for neighbourliness, London Road improvements, report on 1st playsafe event, Crescent Rd / Belton Rd housing proposal, Brighton in bloom
57. September 2014
  forthcoming AGM, causes of odour escapes from Hollingdean WTS, new planters in Round Hill Crescent, Level Events, refuse & recycling issues, summer street party & PlaySafe event, new PlaySafe dates, Richmond House appeal is dismissed, making life better for tenants, Round Hill writer’s Book Review.
58. December 2014
  Seasonal Singing, Rubbish Update, Advent Windows, Playsafe report on Halloweeen & future dates, Round Hill in Bloom - a target for 2015, Guerilla Gardeners, Student Community Liaison, Stained glass winner, Wartime memories of Yvonne Elliot .
59. March 2015
  It's your neighbourhood - greening our streets, PlaySafe, Living on Round Hill - a student's view, Seasonal Singing report, Advent Window pictures, Round Hill Spring Clean, Andy Durr, Motorbike parking on Ashdown Road, Doorstep milk delivery, Rubbish, Recycling and Round Hill, 15 years of the Round HIll Reporter, The Tale of the 90 foot Mural.
60. June 2015
  2015 summer street party & playsafe, historic Round Hill pictures, dishwasher fire, rubbish at recycling, Round Hill spring clean, tackling substance abuse - a new use for Richmond House, quarterly crime summary, stinking refuse - Veolia, community noticeboards, greening our streets - a Round Hill challenge, the future of the long wall, signs of spring.
61. September 2015
  2015 AGM, playsafe, historic Round Hill pictures, waste and recycling, lost and found exhibition, greening the Round Hill streetscape, pamper our planters, who's who in our City Clean Team, tackling dog fouling, notice boards for Round Hill.
62. December 2015
  Seasonal singing & Advent windows, Women's hospital in Round Hill, OPC local luncheon club, new traffic exclusion box, protecting home from fire, HMO issues for Round Hill. possible new lamppost, Pong problems at Veolia, Dog Fouling Pilot Scheme, Halloween Playsafe, Rowan tree loss, Crime update
63. March 2016
  Round Hill garden party Sunday 3rd June 2016, PlaySafe reminder, new Facebook site, Richmond House - who are Pavilions?, lamppost loss, credit card scam, new noticeboards, Sainsbury's raised beds, new trees for Richmond Road, new network for men 50+, private sector rented housing in Brighton
64. June 2016
  Round Hill garden party 2pm to 5pm on Sunday 3rd July 2016, New noticeboard near Red White Rose, newly planted tub in Roundhill Crescent, Report on Richmond House garden project, gardening with Sainsbury's, Patchfest, The long wall, Home energy research in Round Hill, Refuse & recycling box use, Lewes Road railway station in 1962
65. October 2016
  Round Hill AGM @ Richmond House, report on July garden party, history of Round Hill's lost elms, importance of trees in cities, Ernest Beal VC, Halloween Playsafe with the city's Mayor, community composting, urban foxes, the long wall, Pavilions community gardening, guide for residents who are new to Round Hill, dog poo stencils seem to be working
66. December 2016
  Seasonal singing, Advent windows,Community composting, Spring Dog Show,Autumn cut-back,Josh's story, Garden birds,Round Hill Rat Run, Halloween Playsafe,Old Laundry Site planning application,Vounteering at the Women's Centre
67. March 2017
  Playsafe and Dog Show, Advent windows, New grey wheelie bins for Recycling, Made & Mended, What's happening on The Level, Report on Seasonal Singing, House Sparrow Survey, Dog mess, Changing Gears community bike shop, Befriending contact point, Playsafe dates for 2017
68. June 2017
  Come to Playsafe on 25th June &/or Our first Jumble Trail 11th June, Cuttress's Tower Mill, Cuts to our Police Service, Why we Exist and Why we Want You!, Teddy boys of the bird table, Our Daddy of an Elm has a big trim, Report on Playsafe with Dr Bike, The Long Wall - Action at last?, How to Recycle in Brighton, Playsafe dates for 2017
69. October 2017
  AGM at Richmond House,Waste Transfer Station Smells & Dust,A herring gull's tale,Open Gardens request,Crime and Community Safety Fund,Jumle Trail Success,Round Hill Community Noticeboard Facebook Group,How to recycle in Brighton
70. December 2017
  Seasonal singing, Advent windows,Report on AGM,Level News,Halloween Playsafe 2017,Hosting Foriegn Students,Crime Stats,RH Residents Poetry Corner,More Trees Wanted,Advent Window list, Christmas Open Houses
71. March 2018
  Safe to cross, Advent Window Report, Another tree gone, spring clean, Margaret Ward, RH Readers. Crime Stats, Street Play, Long Wall, Seasonal Singing, Slow Down, Blue Plaque
72. June 2018
  Just one elm tree left on Upper Lewes Road, Round Hill Tidy Up, Round Hill Pub Socials, Street Play afternoons for 2018
Special Supplement 1 inside:
Recycle Better, Recycle More

73. October 2018
  Annual Round Hill Community Meeting, Halloween Playsafe, Autumn Clean-up, Planters to be Proud of, Advent Windows 2018, Stories from the Hill, Burglars and theft from cars
Special Supplement 2 inside:
Waste and Water Reduction.

74. December 2018
  Seasonal Singing, Round Hill Window Stickers, Advent Windows, Nearest Student Hiusing?, Round Hill Annual Meeting, Hip Hip Hooray - the Roundhill, More trees wanted, Crime statistics, Bad planning decision for some Belton Road and Crescent Road residents, On-street car charging points, Make Friends with Round Hill, Recycle Right, Report on Halloween Play Street
Special Supplement 3 inside:
It's great you recycle, but do you recycle right?

75. March 2019
  Seasonal Singing, The Land of the Brighton Line, Hidden Shoes and a Witch-Free zone?, Beal VC Blue Plaque Vandalised, Ill-contained Refuse, Saunders Park Gardening Group, The B Project comes to Upper Lewes Road, Spring is on its way, Schoolkids Climate Rally, Valley Gardens Redesign, The Lewes Road Hospital for Women and Children - A Blue Plaque and a Play

76. June 2019
  Playsafe Pus events (Bike Maintenance) (Dog Show) (Book Swap), Coffee & Cake at Round Hill Pub, Festivals and Celebrations: Patchfest and our 20th annivefsary on 14th September 2019, Funding a Blue Plaque for The Lewes Road Hospital for Women and Children, How much do you use your car?, Wildlife on Round Hill, Doorstep scam, Round Hill Crime statistics, Downs School Air Raid Shelters

77. September 2019
  Twenty Years of RHS, Book-Swap & Playsafe, AGM 2019, Dog show report, planning permission, Clesn-Up, Coffee morning, Garden Party, Jumble Trail. Pocket Parks, Jewellery making, Crime stats, Round Hill ramble, Greeting Cards, 'Clean' picture 

78. December 2019
  Seasonal Singing, Advent Windows, Saving the planet, England's Oldest Cable Network, Halloween Playsafe report, Catcreep's 116 steps, Greeting cards, 2019-2020 Round Hill Society Committee contact details

79. March 2020
  Seasonal Singing & Advent Window report, Catcreep toad crossing, Nature 2020 plans, Changes in recycling, Cutress family history, Round Hill Society Committee profiles. Open Garden Dates, Crime statistics, illegal turns in Upper Lewes Road, Round Hill greeting cards, Annual Community Meeting pictures.

80. June 2020
  Covid 19 coping with a new disease, Toad newt & frog patrol, Things and the climate crisis, Drug and alcohol service moves, Round Hill Green Spaces, Swifts back over Round Hill, Round Hill Committee introductions continued, Electric Car charge point for Roundhill, Brighton General hospital site - potential listing as a conservation area, Celebrating Spring Equinox, A perfect car-free development opportunity

81. Sept 2020
  Heritage Open Door Week 11th-20th Sep, Giant elm soon to be felled, Not Just Weeds, D'Aubigny Road - where did that come from?, Welcome New Students, Round Hill Green Spaces, Poem - No Man's Land Lockdown, Snippets on planning, Covid 19 - supporting the community

82. Dec 2020
  Advent windows, 2021 Toad patrol, RH Christmas cards, RHS 2020 Zoom Annual Meeting, Brighton Mutual Aid, Drug sale & use, County Lines, Gingerbread house building, Downs Junior School seeks marshals, Dog poo bins, Communal refuse bins

83. March 2021
  Census Day is coming, The Sylvan Hall orchard, More trees for Round Hill, Carry a torch for toads, Secure bicycle storage, Communal bins proposed for Round Hill, Pavements too narrow for trees, Poetry corner, Remember Christmas 2020, Sylvan Hall Estate

84. June 2021
  Our very own Big Elm has gone, Heritage Open Door Week, Murals on Round Hill, Blue Plaque for Round Hill hospital, Cat's Creep: Toad Tally-awsome, The return of kids' Street Play sessions, RIP Rusty Curry, New light-controlled crossings built, Communal Bin update, Poetry Corner - Look Out Kids!, Summer Holiday boredom?, Community Champion scheme, Clean: The Musical, Times Past

85. October 2021
  Round Hill Community Meeting, Halloween Windows Decoration, The Long Wall, Another Lamppost Lost, Catcreep Cut-back, Round Hill Recycle Right in Round Hill, Poetry Corner, Communal Bin consultation delayed

86. December 2021
  Advent Windows across Round Hill, Stop the Round Hill Rat Run, January can drag (toads), Poetry Corner, Round Hill to become a Low Traffic Neighbourhood, Bike Rack Rubbish?, Street Art, The Long Wall

87. March 2022
  Hospital Blue Plaque unveiling, Advent Window Reprise, A Library of Things, News in Brief, Poetry Corner, Fareshare, Calling All Bakers, Round Hill Green Spaces News, Playsafe returns to Mayo Road, Recycling Reminder Number 432, Round Hill Reporter New Editor Needed

88. June 2022
  Mayo Road Street Play is back, Summer Street Party, Blue Plaque Unveiling, Toad Migration Watch, Garden Picnic, Long Wall Mural has started, Gory goings on in the Garden, History Corner, Beal Plaque Mural Vandalised, Poetry Corner, What happened to the Cafe on the Level, Recycling Reminder, Councillors give £1000 to Round Hill Greening from Ward Budgets

89. December 2022
  Advent windows, Defibrillator Appeal, Long Wall Artists thanked, Toads update, Welcome New Students, The Level Cafe updates, Community Carol Singing, RHS Committee Highlights, Crime Watch, Restaurant Review, Our Neighbourhood Likes & Dislikes, Kids Corner Word Search, AGM, Join The Committee, Handy Local Contacts, Round Hill Christmas Cards

90. March 2023
  Advent Window Display winner, Defibrillator update, Finding a new home - then & now, Count the toads!, Gift for Jan Curry, Sylvan Hall wildflower meadow, What is the Round Hill Conservation Area Character Statement and how it can help us?, The future of Street Play, Round Hill Green Spaces update, Carol Singing success

91. Summer 2023
  Toad Watch, Round Hill Summer Parties, Graffiti Update, Recycling Top Tips, South East Climate Alliance, Local Crime Update, Goodgym in Round Hill, Round Hill Conservation Area Character Statement Update, New Approach for Round Hill Community Events, Round Hill Green Spaces, Plant Sale News, Message from a Forever Roundhiller, Defibrillator News

92. Winter 2023
  Toad Patrol, Community Carols, Advent Windows, Goodgym Clean Up, New Blue Plaque, Local Crime Update, Perfect Pumpkins, Message from your councillors, Round Hill History, Round Hill Christmas Cards, Events, Annual Community Meeting

93. Spring 2024
  The Round Hill Reporter: 24 years and counting!, 24 hour skateathon for children with cancer fund, Last Christmas, Carol singing event raises over £300, Toad Alley On The Move, Green spaces in Round Hill and Sylvan Hall, Round Hill's first community composter, Pocket Park funding, You can adopt!, Round Hill crime: a plea to keep reporting, Round Hill Rat Run not top priority for Council, Street play returns to Richmond Road in 2024, New blue plaque panel rep needed!

94. Summer 2024
  Round Hill Bus Stop Pocket Park Gets Funding, Round Hill Crime Update, Community speed watch and neighbourhood watch, The Cats Creep will not be sprayed with glyphosate, Threat to Ditchling Beacon 79 Bus Route, General Election Candidates 4th July 2024, Community Group of the quarter: The Brighton Yoga Foundation,Events and what's on section, Useful contacts and committee details

This page was last updated by Ted on 30-Jun-2024
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